Constitutional Revolution; and carried out the country’s first land reform,
distributing state lands, confiscating large estates, and increasing sharecrop-
pers’ portion of the harvest. These reforms, however, did little to save the
provincial governments once the central army returned with full force in
1946. The two provincial governments lasted only twelve months.
The government struck additional blows at Tudeh. Accusing the party
of having aided and abetted the “secessionists,” it issued arrest warrants for
its leaders including Iraj Iskandari who was forced to go into exile. The
government, together with the British, orchestrated a revolt of southern
tribes – Qashqa’is, Bakhtiyaris, Boir Ahmadis, Kalhur Kurds, and Arab
Ka’abs – targeting Tudeh organizations in Bushire, Yazd, Shiraz, Kerman,
and Kermanshah. It declared martial law in Tehran, clamped down on the
trade unions, and closed down many Tudeh clubs and party offices through-
out northern cities. Even more drastic, the shah in February 1949 took
advantage of a failed attempt on his life by a lone assassin to declare nation-
wide martial law, outlaw Tudeh, close down its newspapers, round up as
many leaders as possible, and sentence to death in absentia those who
managed to escape. He also arrested opposition figures such as Qavam who
in no way were related to Tudeh; banned newspapers critical of the royal
family; and convened a Constituent Assembly to enhance his royal prerog-
atives. This assembly gave him the authority both to dissolve parliament on
condition he convened a new one within six months, and to assemble an
upper house of sixty senators – half of whom he could nominate as stipulated
under the 1906 constitution. He packed this Senate with elderly notables,
such as Taqizadeh and Hakimi, who were now willing to concede to him total
control over the armed forces. The Senate promptly bestowed the title Kaber
(The Great) on the deceased Reza Shah; and gave him a state funeral even
though clerical leaders refused to have him buried on hallowed ground in
Mashed, Qom, or Shah Abdul ‘Azim Mosque. Instead, he was buried in a
Napoleonesque mausoleum in southern Tehran. The Senate also quietly
transferred Reza Shah’s vast estates from the state back to the royal family.
The shah had reasserted control over court patronage. Not surprisingly,
many, including the British and American ambassadors, concluded that the
shah had transformed the assassination attempt into a royalist coup d’état.
Although Tudeh’s political clout was short lived, its intellectual and
cultural influence endured. The party introduced into Iran the notion of
mass politics, mass participation, and mass organizations with party cells
and branches, party conferences and congresses, and party newspapers,
politburos, and central committees. Others readily borrowed such terms
as “democratic centralism” and “mass democracy.” Tudeh published the
112 A History of Modern Iran