masses, organized first by a socialist movement and then by a nationalist
one. In this contest, the center of political gravity shifted away from the
shah, back to the notables who had ruled the country from 1906 to 1921, but
who had been relegated to the background in the period from 1921 to 1941.
They now reemerged on the national scene in full force. One British
diplomat drew striking parallels with his own country’s experience: “The
situation resembles England before 1832, with the landowning class in
charge of Parliament and of the Cabinet, and with two classes in the country –
one bloated with wealth, and the other abjectly poverty-stricken and power-
Bullard, who harbored few illusions about long-term prospects for
democracy, cautioned: “It seems extremely likely that once foreign troops
have gone, some form of dictatorship, however disguised, will be set up,
doubtlessly with the army as a base. But at present it is best (for us) to
support the Majles.”
The notables dominated on multiple levels – in the cabinet, in the
Majles, and, equally significant, at the local level. The latter level deter-
mined who went into the Majles, which elected the prime minister as well as
the cabinet ministers. The cabinet ministers, in turn, controlled the state
bureaucracies. The country had returned to the rule of the notables with the
landed elites again herding their clients, especially peasants and tribesmen,
to the polls, and, thereby, dominating both the cabinet and the Majles.
The notables were most visible in the cabinet. In these thirteen years, 148
politicians filled 400 cabinet posts, and 12 headed 31 different cabinets. Of
the 148 ministers, 81 were sons of titled notables; 13 were Western-educated
technocrats linked to the prominent families; 11 were senior army officers;
and 8 were wealthy businessmen. Of the 12 prime ministers, 9 came from
titled families and themselves had used titles before their 1925 abolition (the
old titles crept back into common usage after 1941). The 3 non-aristocratic
premiers, nevertheless, were well connected to the landed upper class.
General Ali Razmara, the only non-civilian among them, was the son of a
cavalry officer and had studied at St. Cyr before experiencing a meteoric rise
through the military by leading successful campaigns against the Kurds,
Lurs, and the Khamseh. He was related by marriage to both the
Farmanfarmas and the Qavam al-Mulks. Ali Soheily, the second non-
aristocrat, was the son of an Azerbaijani merchant and had entered govern-
ment service in the 1910s through the patronage of Taqizadeh, the famous
Tabriz deputy. In later years, Soheily attached himself to Reza Shah,
becoming his minister of roads, interior, and foreign affairs, as well as
governor of Kerman, director of the Caspian fisheries, and ambassador to
London. Similarly, Abdul-Hussein Hezhir, the third non-aristocratic
100 A History of Modern Iran