generation could no longer locate places that had been familiar to their
parents and grandparents – places such as Sangdalaj, Sepahsalar Park, the
Arab Quarter, and Paqapaq – the old execution square.
Early in the reign,
the British minister had noted that municipal authorities were “ruthlessly
pulling down homes,” paying little in compensation, and exploiting the
opportunity to line their own pockets. “Their destructive propensities,” he
emphasized, “pass all rational bounds.”
He sounded the same note at the
end of the reign: “The capital continues to grow: new avenues, paved with
asphalt, replace the old lanes; factories and residential quarters increase; and
the city already attracts immigrants from all parts of the country. As in so
many cases, it must be open to doubt whether the large sums devoted to
reconstruction have always been judiciously spent. There is still, for
instance, no clean water supply in the town.”
state and society
The new state attracted a mixed reception. For some Iranians and outside
observers, it brought law and order, discipline, central authority, and
modern amenities – schools, trains, buses, radios, cinemas, and telephones –
in other words, “development,”“national integration,” and “moderniza-
tion” which some termed “Westernization.” For others, it brought oppres-
sion, corruption, taxation, lack of authenticity, and the form of security
typical of police states. Millspaugh, who was invited back to Iran in 1942,
found that Reza Shah had left behind “a government of the corrupt, by the
corrupt, and for the corrupt.” He elaborated: “The Shah’s taxation policy
was highly regressive, raising the cost of living and bearing heavily on the
poor ...Altogether he thoroughly milked the country, grinding down the
peasantry, tribesmen, and laborers and taking a heavy toll from the land-
lords. While his activities enriched a new class of ‘capitalists’–merchants,
monopolists, contractors, and politician-favorites – inflation, taxation, and
other measures lowered the standard of living for the masses.”
Ann Lambton, the well-known British Iranologist who served as her coun-
try’s press attaché in wartime Tehran, reported that “the vast majority of the
people hate the Shah.”
This sentiment was echoed by the American
ambassador who reported: “A brutal, avaricious, and inscrutable despot,
his fall from power and death in exile ...were regretted by no one.”
In actual fact, public attitudes were more ambivalent – even among the
notables. On one hand, the notables lost their titles, tax exemptions,
authority on the local level, and power at the center – especially in the
cabinet and the Majles. Some lost even their lands and lives. On the other
The iron fist of Reza Shah 91