53 . F. Forbe s-Leite s, Ch eckmate (New York, 1927 ).
54 . P. Sykes, Ten T housand Miles in Pers ia (New York, 1902 ), p. 400 .
55 . Mostow fi, Admi nistrative an d Socia l History ,
III,p.67 .
56. M.-J. Good, “Soc ial Hierarch y and Social Change in a Provincia l Irania n
Tow n,” PhD thesis, Harva rd University ( 1976 ), p. 58.
57 . Sykes, Ten Thou sand Miles in Persia ,p.400 .
58. H. Rabino , Mazand aran and Astar abad (London, 1928 ), pp. 20 –30 ; India
Off ice, Who ’ s Who in Persia (Simla: Gove rnment Pr ess, 1923 ).
59 . C. Davie s, “ A History of the Province of Fars during the Later Part of the
Nineteenth Century, ” PhD thesis, Oxford Univer sity ( 1985 ).
60 . A. Sha ’ban i, Hezar Fam il (Th ousand Familie s) (Tehran, 1987 ).
61 . R. Bin ning, A Journal of Two Year s’ Travel in Pers ia, 2 vols. (London, 185 7),
pp. 47–8.
62. Rabino, Mazandaran and Astarabad , pp. 20–30.
63. C. Gault, “A Report on the Isfahan Province,” FO 371/Persia 1945/34–6218.
64. Rabino, Mazandaran and Astarabad,p.99.
65. C. and E. Burgess, Letters from Persia, 1828–1855 (edited by B. Schwartz) (New
York, 1942), p. 48.
66. C. MacGregor, Narrative of a Journey through the Province of Khurasan, 2 vols.
(London, 1879),
67. Burgess, Letters from Persia,p.65.
68. Stack, Six Months in Persia,
69. N. Daryabandari, Ketab-e Mostatab-I Ashpazi, 2 vols. (Book of Good Cooking)
(Tehran, 1990).
70. G. Thaiss, “Religious Symbolism and Social Change,” in Scholars, Saints, and
Sufis (edited by N. Keddie) (Berkeley: University of California Pr ess, 1972),
pp. 349–66.
71. Davies, “A History of the Province of Fars,” p. 389.
72. W. Ouseley, Travels in Various Countries of the East, Vol.
III (London, 1812),
p. 401.
73. M. Imami, “The First Tehran Census,” ‘Ulom-e Ejtema-yi, Vol. 1, No. 3
(February 1970), pp. 76–94.
74. Malcolm, History of Persia,
75. M. Tahvildar-e Isfahan, Juqrafi ya-ye Isfahan (The Geography of Isfahan)
(Tehran, 1963), pp. 88–90.
76. Sheil, Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia,p.325.
77. A. Kasravi, Tarekh-e Pansad Saleh-e Khuzestan (Five-Hundred-Year History of
Khuzes tan) (Tehra n 1950 ), pp. 131–51 .
78. A. Shamim, Iran dar Dowreh-e Saltanat-e Qajar (Iran during the Qajar
Dynasty) (Tehran, 1963 ), p. 296.
79. A. Kasravi, Tarekh-e Mashruteh-e Iran (History of the Iranian Constitution)
(Tehran, 1961), pp. 130–35, 171–73, 109–97, 490–94. The Sheikhi community
was also important in Kerman. Percy Sykes, traveling through Kerman in
1900, estimated the town’s population at around 49,000 consisting of 37,000
Shi’is, 6,000 Sheikhis, 3,000 Bahais, 60 Azalis, 1,700 Zoroastrians, 12,000
Notes to pages 24–30 199