and popular sovereignty. The document contained 175 clauses – 40 amend-
ments were added upon Khomeini’s death.
The document was to remain
in force until the return of the Mahdi. The preamble affirmed faith in God,
Divine Justice, the Koran, Judgment Day, the Prophet Muhammad, the
Twelve Imams, the return of the Hidden Mahdi, and, most pertinent of all,
Khomeini’s concept of velayat-e faqeh. It reaffirmed opposition to all forms
of authoritarianism, colonialism, and imperialism. The introductory clauses
bestowed on Khomeini such titles as Supreme Faqeh, Supreme Leader,
Guide of the Revolution, Founder of the Islamic Republic, Inspirer of the
Mostazafen, and, most potent of all, Imam of the Muslim Umma – Shi’is
had never before bestowed on a living person this sacred title with its
connotations of Infallibility. Khomeini was declared Supreme Leader for
life. It was stipulated that upon his death the Assembly of Experts could
either replace him with one paramount religious figure, or, if no such person
emerged, with a Council of Leadership formed of three or five faqehs. It was
also stipulated that they could dismiss them if they were deemed incapable
of carrying out their duties. The constitution retained the national tricolor,
henceforth incorporating the inscription “God is Great.”
The constitution endowed the Supreme Leader with wide-ranging author-
ity. He could “determine the interests of Islam,”“set general guidelines for the
Islamic Republic,”“supervise policy implementation,” and “mediate between
the executive, legislative, and judiciary.” He could grant amnesty and dismiss
presidents as well as vet candidates for that office. As commander-in-chief, he
could declare war and peace, mobilize the armed forces, appoint their
commanders, and convene a national security council. Moreover, he could
appoint an impressive array of high officials outside the formal state structure,
including the director of the national radio/television network, the supervisor
of the imam jum’eh office, the heads of the new clerical institutions, especially
the Mostazafen Foundation which had replaced the Pahlavi Foundation, and
through it the editors of the country’stwoleadingnewspapers– Ettela’at and
Kayhan. Furthermore, he could appoint the chief justice as well as lower court
judges, the state prosecutor, and, most important of all, six clerics to a twelve-
man Guardian Council. This Guardian Council could veto bills passed by the
legislature if it deemed them contrary to the spirit of either the constitution or
the shari’a. It also had the power to vet candidates running for public office –
including the Majles. A later amendment gave the Supreme Leader the
additional power to appoint an Expediency Council to mediate differences
between the Majles and the Guardian Council.
Khomeini had obtained constitutional powers unimagined by shahs. The
revolution of 1906 had produced a constitutional monarchy; that of 1979
164 A History of Modern Iran