close relationship with the regime, benefiting from business contracts in
exchange for funding individual mosques and conservative parliamentary
and presidential candidates. ”
The new regime reached out beyond the bazaars into the countryside.
Even though it placed no ceiling on landownership, it distributed more
than 850,000 hectares of confiscated agrobusiness land to some 220,000
peasant families in Gurgan, Mazanderan, and Khuzestan.
The new farm-
ers formed more than 10,000 cooperatives. The regime assisted farmers in
other ways. It raised agricultural prices – helping the country become self-
sufficient in cereal production; channeled the Reconstruction Crusade into
the provinces; launched an ambitious literacy campaign among the peas-
antry; and extended roads, electricity, piped water, and, most important of
all, health clinics, into the villages. This strategy – which continued into the
next decade – transformed the countryside, turning peasants into farmers.
Soon most farmers had access not only to roads, schools, clinics, electricity,
and piped water, but also to such consumer goods as radios, refrigerators,
telephones, televisions, motorbikes, even pickup trucks. One key indicator
illustrates the dramatic changes in everyday life: on the eve of the revolution,
life expectancy at birth had been less than 56; by the end of the century, it
was near 70.
The regime brought other benefits to the working class. It spent a
quarter of the annual budget in subsidies to the poorer population –
direct subsidies for bread, rice, sugar, cheese, fuel, and cooking oil, as
well as indirect subsidies for electricity, sanitation, and piped water. It
set up a Worker’s House, and passed a Labor Law, which, while not
legalizing strikes and free unions, gave factory workers significant con-
cessions: 6-day, 48-hour workweeks, paid Fridays, a minimum wage, 12-
day annual holidays, and some semblance of job security. Worker’s House
published the paper Kar va Kargar (Work and Worker), and organized
annual May Day rallies with slogans reminiscent of the Tudeh Party.
Some statistics show the fundamental changes taking place throughout
the country: the percentage of children in school rose from 60 to 90;
infant mortality per 1,000 dropped from 104 to 25; the annual population
growth hit an all-time high of 3.2 percent – increasing the total population
from 34 million in 1976 to 50 million in 1989, and to nearly 70 million in
2000; and, most important of all, the literacy rate doubled, almost
eradicating illiteracy among the age group between six and twenty-nine.
This meant that for the first time in history most of the population,
including Azeris, Kurds, Gilakis, and Mazanderanis, could converse and
read in Persian.
180 A History of Modern Iran