OJSC «Central scientific research institute «Kyrs», e-mail: QSK@mail.ru
Complexity of electromagnetic environment
(EME), developing at operation of technical objects of
sea basing (TOSB), completed with the big density
various radio-electronic equipment, interferes with joint
effective functioning of their radio engineering systems.
Thus EME likelihood character at the expense of set of
sources of a radio noise and changing service conditions
is inherent frequently. Thus service conditions TOSB are
characterized by the features. One of them consists
available on TOSB branched out main deck the
architecture consisting of spending elements, deforming
normalized characteristics of maintained reception both
transferring aerials and formation of a separate kind of
the radio noise created main deck by devices (MDD)
TOSB, bringing the essential contribution to the general
EME. The problem of maintenance of electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) radio engineering systems (RES)
on ТОМБ directly depends on quality of an estimation
developing on them EME, giving in to some extent to
One of directions of perfection of the methodical
device on forecasting EME on TOSB is the account of
influence of basic elements and the structures reradiating
electromagnetic fields of its radio engineering means.
Thus, creation of an accessible scientific and
technical engineering technique by calculation of
electromagnetic interference of radio communication
means (RCM), located on TOSB, for the purpose of a
substantiation of technical decisions on maintenance of
their electromagnetic compatibility is actual. Thus given
technique should be based on experimental data of tests
of radio coherent devices, at their operation on mobile
objects of sea basing. Also automation of a technique is
necessary for performance of a considerable quantity and
with the set accuracy of labor-consuming calculations of
various variants of placing of scanners and the analysis
of their dependences on various parameters of operation.
On the basis of the developed technique of an
estimation of electromagnetic compatibility RCM the
algorithm of functioning of its program realization has
been generated.
According to the generated algorithm the program
of calculation of mutual influence RCM has been
developed at their joint functioning on sea-crafts.
On the basis of developed models contact of radio
interference (CRI), and also taking into account the
factors influencing the characteristics developing EME
the technique on forecasting of spectrum-power
characteristics casual CRI on TOSB for the purpose of
specification EME and maintenance EMC of RES TOSB
is generated. This technique considers electrophysical,
mechanical and technological parameters of
demountable contact connection (DCC) MDD, level
external mechanical and corrosive attacks, and also
geometry of a reradiating design, a spatial rating
between reception and transferring aerials, their
diagrams of an orientation, and also presence of the
branched out architecture main deck superstructures and
presence of a spreading sea surface.
Strips of the frequencies amazed CRI, arise not
only about the basic and harmonious radiations of radio
transmitters TOSB. In certain conditions, namely in the
presence of corrosion in connections of elements of
designs when they get nonlinear properties, CRI the
frequencies formed by combinations of frequencies are
surprised also, simultaneously working radio
transmitters, such contact interferences are called
intermodulation (ICRI). Accordingly the increase in
capacity irradiating electromagnetic fields (EMF) radio
transmitters results not only in increase of level CRI, but
also to sharp expansion of a total strip of the frequencies
occupied CRI.
Perfection of the scientifically-methodical device
of estimation EME on TOSB, regarding forecasting of
spectrum-power characteristics CRI, intend on
improvement of quality of working out of practical
recommendations about maintenance EMC of RES
TOSB. The developed models and a technique allow
designers and exploiters TOSB soundly at all stages of
its life cycle to apply effectual measures on reduction of
influence CRI at work of radio-electronic means (REM)
The solution of a problem of maintenance
intersystem EMC begins with design stage TOSB and
construction of its radio engineering systems, by
working out and selection of corresponding radio means
with necessary parameters, and proceeds during all its
life cycle.
The developed scientifically-methodical and
program-algorithmic bases of forecasting of
electromagnetic compatibility of RCM allow to reduce
time, financial and material expenses at designing TOSB
and acquisition by its radio engineering systems of a
radio communication profile.