Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2009. - 196 p.
This book is intended for doctors and medical students. It provides a wealth of data on clinical research, molecular biology and biochemistry of magnesium. The book also aims to correct a number of misconceptions conceing biological roles of magnesium. Synergic interactions of magnesium with pyridoxine as well as with minerals and with drugs are detailed. The book can be recommended to doctors of different specialties (neurologists, cardiologists, physicians, pediatricians, obstetricians and gynaecologists, pathologists, nutritionists and others) which can fruitfully use the information presented in the book in their clinical practice. The book will also be helpful to medical students studying experimental and clinical pharmacology.
Chapter 1 The Biological Roles of Magnesium
Chapter 2 Absorption, Elimination and the Daily Requirement of Magnesium
Chapter 3 The Deficiency of Magnesium
Chapter 4 Conditions and Diseases Accompanied by Magnesium Deficiency
Chapter 5 Correction of the Magnesium Deficit
Chapter 6 Effects of Various Drugs on Magnesium Homeostasis
Chapter 7 Toxicology of Magnesium: Hypermagnesemia
Chapter 8 Physiological Importance of Pyridoxine
Chapter 9 Determination of the Magnesium and Pyridoxine Levels
Appendix I. The Contents of Mineral Substances and Pyridoxine in Different Foods
Appendix II. Reference Values of Mineral and Triglyceride Levels (Gromova, 2001)
Appendix III. Testing Glycosylated Hemoglobin-C (HbA1C)
Appendix IV. Genes Implicated in Magnesium Homeostasis
Appendix V. Polymorphisms Associated with Connective Tissue Displasias (CTD)
Appendix VI. Magne-B6 Film-Coated Tablets
This book is intended for doctors and medical students. It provides a wealth of data on clinical research, molecular biology and biochemistry of magnesium. The book also aims to correct a number of misconceptions conceing biological roles of magnesium. Synergic interactions of magnesium with pyridoxine as well as with minerals and with drugs are detailed. The book can be recommended to doctors of different specialties (neurologists, cardiologists, physicians, pediatricians, obstetricians and gynaecologists, pathologists, nutritionists and others) which can fruitfully use the information presented in the book in their clinical practice. The book will also be helpful to medical students studying experimental and clinical pharmacology.
Chapter 1 The Biological Roles of Magnesium
Chapter 2 Absorption, Elimination and the Daily Requirement of Magnesium
Chapter 3 The Deficiency of Magnesium
Chapter 4 Conditions and Diseases Accompanied by Magnesium Deficiency
Chapter 5 Correction of the Magnesium Deficit
Chapter 6 Effects of Various Drugs on Magnesium Homeostasis
Chapter 7 Toxicology of Magnesium: Hypermagnesemia
Chapter 8 Physiological Importance of Pyridoxine
Chapter 9 Determination of the Magnesium and Pyridoxine Levels
Appendix I. The Contents of Mineral Substances and Pyridoxine in Different Foods
Appendix II. Reference Values of Mineral and Triglyceride Levels (Gromova, 2001)
Appendix III. Testing Glycosylated Hemoglobin-C (HbA1C)
Appendix IV. Genes Implicated in Magnesium Homeostasis
Appendix V. Polymorphisms Associated with Connective Tissue Displasias (CTD)
Appendix VI. Magne-B6 Film-Coated Tablets