Springer. 2009. 599 p.
Fundamental Aspects of Ecdysteroid Research: The Distribution and Diversity of Ecdysteroids in Animals and Plants
Phytoecdysteroids: Diversity, Biosynthesis and Distribution
Diversity of Ecdysteroids in Animal Species
Crustacean Ecdysteroids and Their Receptors
Synthetic Ecdysteroidal Compounds
In the Post-Genomic Era, Ecdysteroid Genetic Hierarchies in Insect Growth and Reproduction
Ecdysteroids and Ecdysteroid Signaling Pathways During Insect Oogenesis
Regulation of Sciarid DNA Puffs by Ecdysone: Mechanisms and Perspectives
The Ecdysteroids’ Effects in the Control of Cell Proliferation and Differentiation
Applications of RNA Interference in Ecdysone Research
Role of Cross Talk of Genes and Growth Factors in Ecdysteroid Titers and Signalling
The Function and Evolution of the Halloween Genes: The Pathway to the Arthropod Molting Hormone
Recent Studies on Prothoracic Gland Cell Growth and Ecdysteroidogenesis in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori
Diversity in Factors Regulating Ecdysteroidogenesis in Insects
20-Hydroxyecdysone, Juvenile Hormone and Biogenic Amines: Mechanisms of Interaction in Control of Drosophila Reproduction Under Normal and Stressful Conditions
Ecdysteroids Function Through Nuclear and Membrane Receptors
The Structure and Function of Ecdysone Receptors
The Multidimensional Partnership of EcR and USP
Functional Analysis of Ecdysteroid Receptor from Drosophila melanogaster In Vitro
Intracellular Localization of the Ecdysteroid Receptor
Genomic and Nongenomic Actions of 20-Hydroxyecdysone in Programmed Cell Death
Rapid, Non-Genomic Responses to Ecdysteroids and Catecholamines Mediated by a Novel Drosophila G-Protein-Coupled Receptor
Ecdysteroids in Mode Agriculture, Medicine, Doping and Ecotoxicology
Ecdysone Receptors of Pest Insects – Molecular Cloning, Characterisation, and a Ligand Binding Domain-Based Fluorescence Polarization Screen
SAR and QSAR Studies for In Vivo and In Vitro Activities of Ecdysone Agonists
Ecdysone Receptor-Based Gene Switches for Applications in Plants
Ecdysteroids and Their Importance in Endocrine Disruption Research
Innovative and Future Applications for Ecdysteroids
Fundamental Aspects of Ecdysteroid Research: The Distribution and Diversity of Ecdysteroids in Animals and Plants
Phytoecdysteroids: Diversity, Biosynthesis and Distribution
Diversity of Ecdysteroids in Animal Species
Crustacean Ecdysteroids and Their Receptors
Synthetic Ecdysteroidal Compounds
In the Post-Genomic Era, Ecdysteroid Genetic Hierarchies in Insect Growth and Reproduction
Ecdysteroids and Ecdysteroid Signaling Pathways During Insect Oogenesis
Regulation of Sciarid DNA Puffs by Ecdysone: Mechanisms and Perspectives
The Ecdysteroids’ Effects in the Control of Cell Proliferation and Differentiation
Applications of RNA Interference in Ecdysone Research
Role of Cross Talk of Genes and Growth Factors in Ecdysteroid Titers and Signalling
The Function and Evolution of the Halloween Genes: The Pathway to the Arthropod Molting Hormone
Recent Studies on Prothoracic Gland Cell Growth and Ecdysteroidogenesis in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori
Diversity in Factors Regulating Ecdysteroidogenesis in Insects
20-Hydroxyecdysone, Juvenile Hormone and Biogenic Amines: Mechanisms of Interaction in Control of Drosophila Reproduction Under Normal and Stressful Conditions
Ecdysteroids Function Through Nuclear and Membrane Receptors
The Structure and Function of Ecdysone Receptors
The Multidimensional Partnership of EcR and USP
Functional Analysis of Ecdysteroid Receptor from Drosophila melanogaster In Vitro
Intracellular Localization of the Ecdysteroid Receptor
Genomic and Nongenomic Actions of 20-Hydroxyecdysone in Programmed Cell Death
Rapid, Non-Genomic Responses to Ecdysteroids and Catecholamines Mediated by a Novel Drosophila G-Protein-Coupled Receptor
Ecdysteroids in Mode Agriculture, Medicine, Doping and Ecotoxicology
Ecdysone Receptors of Pest Insects – Molecular Cloning, Characterisation, and a Ligand Binding Domain-Based Fluorescence Polarization Screen
SAR and QSAR Studies for In Vivo and In Vitro Activities of Ecdysone Agonists
Ecdysone Receptor-Based Gene Switches for Applications in Plants
Ecdysteroids and Their Importance in Endocrine Disruption Research
Innovative and Future Applications for Ecdysteroids