Cambridge, 1999.
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Speaking Naturally is for intermediate and high intermediate
ESL/EFL students who are interested in using English in social
Communication skills in American English. Self-study. The Student's
Book focuses on a language function, such as requesting
information, thanking, complimenting, and inviting, while readings
explain the cultural rules students need to know to communicate
naturally and effectively. Structured exercises, as well as freer
role plays, often involve pairs or small groups, and encourage
interaction in the classroom.
Книга посвящена выработке навыков общения на английском языке в его
американском варианте. Особое внимание уделяется таким функциям
английского языка, как обращение с просьбой об информации,
выражение благодарности, язык комплиментов и приглашений, а в
текстах для чтения речь, главным образом, идет о тех аспектах
культуры общения в англоязычной среде, знакомство с которыми
необходимо изучающим английский язык для того, чтобы их речь
звучала естественно и эффективно передавала смысл.
Openings and closings;
Introductions and address systems;
Thanking people and replying to thanks;
Expressing anger and resolving conflict;
Giving compliments and replying to compliments;
Getting people’s attention and interrupting;
Agreeing and disagreeing;
Controlling the conversation;
Getting information.
Openings and closings;
Introductions and address systems;
Thanking people and replying to thanks;
Expressing anger and resolving conflict;
Giving compliments and replying to compliments;
Getting people’s attention and interrupting;
Agreeing and disagreeing;
Controlling the conversation;
Getting information.