Lexicology as a branch of linguistics. Main notions of
Lexicology as a branch of linguistics. Links with other branches of Linguistics
The morphological structure of a word. Productive and non-productive ways of
Word formation: Conversion. Shortening. Lexical abbreviations.
Word formation: Acronyms. Clipping.
Word formation: Non-productive means of word formation: blending, back-formation, onomatopoeia, sound and stress interchange.
Semasiology as the branch of linguistics. Types of word meaning: lexical,
Types of word meaning: lexical, grammatical meanings.
Polysemy, the semantic structure of a polysemantic word.
Сriteria of Synonymy; problem of classification of synonyms; sources of synonymy.
Homonyms, classification of Homonyms, sources of Homonyms.
Neologisms, euphemisms.
Sources of synonyms, antonyms.
The theory of the semantic field.
Phraseology, the problem of definition of phraseological word combination.
Classifications of phraseological units.
Ways of forming phraseological units.
Proverbs, sayings, familiar quotations and clichés.
British Lexicography. History of British Lexicography.
Types of dictionaries.
The history of American Lexicography.
Lexicology as a branch of linguistics. Links with other branches of Linguistics
The morphological structure of a word. Productive and non-productive ways of
Word formation: Conversion. Shortening. Lexical abbreviations.
Word formation: Acronyms. Clipping.
Word formation: Non-productive means of word formation: blending, back-formation, onomatopoeia, sound and stress interchange.
Semasiology as the branch of linguistics. Types of word meaning: lexical,
Types of word meaning: lexical, grammatical meanings.
Polysemy, the semantic structure of a polysemantic word.
Сriteria of Synonymy; problem of classification of synonyms; sources of synonymy.
Homonyms, classification of Homonyms, sources of Homonyms.
Neologisms, euphemisms.
Sources of synonyms, antonyms.
The theory of the semantic field.
Phraseology, the problem of definition of phraseological word combination.
Classifications of phraseological units.
Ways of forming phraseological units.
Proverbs, sayings, familiar quotations and clichés.
British Lexicography. History of British Lexicography.
Types of dictionaries.
The history of American Lexicography.