Поволжская государственная социально-гуманитарная академия
Институт иностранных языков
Самара, 2012, 6 стр. Примеры на английском языке к следующим терминам:
onomatopoeia, paronomasia, spoonerism, alliteration, assonance, rhyme, metaphor, antonomasia (a variant of metaphor), metonymy, synecdoche (a variant of metonymy), irony, zeugma (a variant of syllepsis ), pun (or play upon words), interjections and exclamatory words
epithet, oxymoron, simile (or literary comparison), periphrasis, euphemism, hyperbole, meiosis, decomposition of a set phrase, allusion, the extension of morphemic valency, morphemic repetition, inversion, detached construction (detachment), parallel construction (or syntactic parallelism), chiasmus (reversed parallel constructions), suspense (retardation), repetition, epiphora, anaphora, anadiplosis (catch repetition), chain repetition, prolepsis (syntactic tautology), climax (gradation), anticlimax (bathos), antithesis (a variant of syntactic parallelism), nonsense of non-sequence
polysyndeton, asyndeton, attachment (the gap-sentence link), apokoinu constructions, aposiopesis,(break-in-the-narrative), question-in-the-narrative (ratiocinative question), rhetorical question, represented speech, litotes (a variant of periphrasis)
Институт иностранных языков
Самара, 2012, 6 стр. Примеры на английском языке к следующим терминам:
onomatopoeia, paronomasia, spoonerism, alliteration, assonance, rhyme, metaphor, antonomasia (a variant of metaphor), metonymy, synecdoche (a variant of metonymy), irony, zeugma (a variant of syllepsis ), pun (or play upon words), interjections and exclamatory words
epithet, oxymoron, simile (or literary comparison), periphrasis, euphemism, hyperbole, meiosis, decomposition of a set phrase, allusion, the extension of morphemic valency, morphemic repetition, inversion, detached construction (detachment), parallel construction (or syntactic parallelism), chiasmus (reversed parallel constructions), suspense (retardation), repetition, epiphora, anaphora, anadiplosis (catch repetition), chain repetition, prolepsis (syntactic tautology), climax (gradation), anticlimax (bathos), antithesis (a variant of syntactic parallelism), nonsense of non-sequence
polysyndeton, asyndeton, attachment (the gap-sentence link), apokoinu constructions, aposiopesis,(break-in-the-narrative), question-in-the-narrative (ratiocinative question), rhetorical question, represented speech, litotes (a variant of periphrasis)