What is lexicology.
Lexical units – the word as a lexical unit.
The meaning of the word.
Types of word meaning.
The stylistic classification of an English vocabulary.
Word meaning and motivation.
Causes, nature, results of semantic change.
Meaning and polisemy.
Polisemy and Hononymy.
Word meaning in syntagmatic and paradigmatic.
Polisemy and context.
Conceptual or semantic fields.
Semantic similarity of morphemes. The words of family.
Semantic equivalents and synonymy.
Semantic contrasts and antonomy.
Word groups and phraseological units.
Structure and word’s groups.
Phraseological units.
Criteria of distinguishing phraseological units.
Word structure.
Classification of morphemes from the semantic and structural point of view.
Procedure of morphemic analysis.
Word formation.
Lexical units – the word as a lexical unit.
The meaning of the word.
Types of word meaning.
The stylistic classification of an English vocabulary.
Word meaning and motivation.
Causes, nature, results of semantic change.
Meaning and polisemy.
Polisemy and Hononymy.
Word meaning in syntagmatic and paradigmatic.
Polisemy and context.
Conceptual or semantic fields.
Semantic similarity of morphemes. The words of family.
Semantic equivalents and synonymy.
Semantic contrasts and antonomy.
Word groups and phraseological units.
Structure and word’s groups.
Phraseological units.
Criteria of distinguishing phraseological units.
Word structure.
Classification of morphemes from the semantic and structural point of view.
Procedure of morphemic analysis.
Word formation.