Problems of stylistic research
Stylistics of language and speech
Literary and linguistic stylistics
Comparative stylistics
Decoding stylistics
Functional stylistics
Stylistic lexicology
Stylistic phonetics
Stylistic grammar
Stylistics and other linguistics disciplines
Stylistic neutrality and colouring
Stylistic function notion
Expressive means
Stylistic devices
Stylistic theory and classification of expressive means by G. Leech
I.R.Galperin’s classification of expressive means and stylistic devices
Classification of expressive means and stylistic devices by Y.M.Skrebnev
The theory of grammatical gradation
Grammatical metaphor and types of grammatical transposition
The noun and its stylistic potential
The article and its stylistic potential
The pronoun and its stylistic potential
The adjective and its stylistic potential
The verb and its stylistic potential
Affixation and its expressiveness
Stylistic syntax
The notion of style in functional stylistics
Correlation of style, norm and function in the language
Language varieties
An overview on functional style systems
Belles-lettres style
Literary colloquial style
Familiar colloquial style
Publicist style
The style of official documents
Scientific (academic) style
Stylistics of the author/reader. Notions of encoding and decoding
Essential concepts of decoding stylistic analysis and types of foregrounding
Defeated expectancy
Semantic field
Semi-marked structures
Salient feature
Strong position
Stylistics of language and speech
Literary and linguistic stylistics
Comparative stylistics
Decoding stylistics
Functional stylistics
Stylistic lexicology
Stylistic phonetics
Stylistic grammar
Stylistics and other linguistics disciplines
Stylistic neutrality and colouring
Stylistic function notion
Expressive means
Stylistic devices
Stylistic theory and classification of expressive means by G. Leech
I.R.Galperin’s classification of expressive means and stylistic devices
Classification of expressive means and stylistic devices by Y.M.Skrebnev
The theory of grammatical gradation
Grammatical metaphor and types of grammatical transposition
The noun and its stylistic potential
The article and its stylistic potential
The pronoun and its stylistic potential
The adjective and its stylistic potential
The verb and its stylistic potential
Affixation and its expressiveness
Stylistic syntax
The notion of style in functional stylistics
Correlation of style, norm and function in the language
Language varieties
An overview on functional style systems
Belles-lettres style
Literary colloquial style
Familiar colloquial style
Publicist style
The style of official documents
Scientific (academic) style
Stylistics of the author/reader. Notions of encoding and decoding
Essential concepts of decoding stylistic analysis and types of foregrounding
Defeated expectancy
Semantic field
Semi-marked structures
Salient feature
Strong position