ДонГТУ, Алчевск, Украина, 15с.
Lexicology is a branch of linguistics
Denotative and connotative meaning
Evaluative connotation expresses approval of disapprova
Difference between the morpheme and the word
Classification of Morphemes
Variants and Dialects of English
Morphemic content of words.Types of morphemes
Word building.Reduplication.Substantivasation
Shortening. telescoping
Phraseological units
Types of English dictionaries
Lexicology is a branch of linguistics
Denotative and connotative meaning
Evaluative connotation expresses approval of disapprova
Difference between the morpheme and the word
Classification of Morphemes
Variants and Dialects of English
Morphemic content of words.Types of morphemes
Word building.Reduplication.Substantivasation
Shortening. telescoping
Phraseological units
Types of English dictionaries