В файле представлены 46 ответов на следующие экзаменационные
вопросы по лексикологии английского языка:
Lexicology as a Branch of Linguistics.
Characteristics of the Word as the Basic Unit of Language.
Words of Native Origin.
Borrowings in English.
Assimilation of borrowing.
Etymological Doublets.
Inteational Words.
Influence of Borrowings.
Word-Structure in English. Classification of Morphemes. Morphemic types of Words.
Derivational Structure of the Word. Derivational Bases.
Prefixation in English. Classification of Prefixes.
Suffixation in English. Classification of Suffixes.
Conversion. Nature of Conversion. Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches to Conversion.
Pattes of conversion. Typical semantic relations in conversion.
Basic criteria of semantic derivation in conversion.
Word-composition. Specific feature of English compounds. Classification of compound words.
The meaning of compound words. Motivation.
Shortening of words and phrases. Classification of shortened words.
Minor types of word-formation.
Word-meaning. Referential, functional and operational approaches to word-meaning.
Types of meaning. Aspects of lexical meaning.
Change of meaning. Causes, nature and results of semantic change.
Polysemy in English. The semantic structure of polysemantic words.
Polysemy and context. Types of context. The meaning of the word and its usage.
Homonymy. Sources of homonymy. Classification of homonyms.
The problem of definition of synonyms.
The problem of classification of synonyms.
Pattes of synonymic sets. The synonymic dominant.
Antonyms in English. Classification of Antonyms.
Lexical and grammatical valency.
Structure and classification of free word-groups.
Meaning of word-groups.
Free word-groups versus phraseological units.
The problem of classification of phraseological units.
Structural types of phraseological units.
The main sources of phraseological units.
Proverbs, sayings, quotations.
Basic vocabulary.
Informal vocabulary.
Formal vocabulary.
American English. The main variants of the English language.
Social variation of the English language.
Classification and types of dictionaries.
Methods and procedures of lexicological research.
Procedures of morphemic analysis
Neologisms. Материал подготовлен по учебникам:
И.В. Зыкова "Практический курс английской лексикологии"
Г.Б. Антрушина "Лексикология английского языка" Пенза, ППИ имени Белинского, 3 курс
Characteristics of the Word as the Basic Unit of Language.
Words of Native Origin.
Borrowings in English.
Assimilation of borrowing.
Etymological Doublets.
Inteational Words.
Influence of Borrowings.
Word-Structure in English. Classification of Morphemes. Morphemic types of Words.
Derivational Structure of the Word. Derivational Bases.
Prefixation in English. Classification of Prefixes.
Suffixation in English. Classification of Suffixes.
Conversion. Nature of Conversion. Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches to Conversion.
Pattes of conversion. Typical semantic relations in conversion.
Basic criteria of semantic derivation in conversion.
Word-composition. Specific feature of English compounds. Classification of compound words.
The meaning of compound words. Motivation.
Shortening of words and phrases. Classification of shortened words.
Minor types of word-formation.
Word-meaning. Referential, functional and operational approaches to word-meaning.
Types of meaning. Aspects of lexical meaning.
Change of meaning. Causes, nature and results of semantic change.
Polysemy in English. The semantic structure of polysemantic words.
Polysemy and context. Types of context. The meaning of the word and its usage.
Homonymy. Sources of homonymy. Classification of homonyms.
The problem of definition of synonyms.
The problem of classification of synonyms.
Pattes of synonymic sets. The synonymic dominant.
Antonyms in English. Classification of Antonyms.
Lexical and grammatical valency.
Structure and classification of free word-groups.
Meaning of word-groups.
Free word-groups versus phraseological units.
The problem of classification of phraseological units.
Structural types of phraseological units.
The main sources of phraseological units.
Proverbs, sayings, quotations.
Basic vocabulary.
Informal vocabulary.
Formal vocabulary.
American English. The main variants of the English language.
Social variation of the English language.
Classification and types of dictionaries.
Methods and procedures of lexicological research.
Procedures of morphemic analysis
Neologisms. Материал подготовлен по учебникам:
И.В. Зыкова "Практический курс английской лексикологии"
Г.Б. Антрушина "Лексикология английского языка" Пенза, ППИ имени Белинского, 3 курс