Тула: Тульский государственный педагогический университет им. Л.Н.
Толстого (ТГПУ), 2013. — 23 с.
Данный файл содержит ответы на следующие вопросы:
Lexicology and lexicography.
Lexicography and the main problems of dictionary compiling.
Word-formation in English.
Specific features of English compounds comparing with Russian.
Conversion and affixation in English.
Classification of suffixes and prefixes. Hybrids.
Classification of compounds in English.
Semantic relations in conversion.
Minor types of word-formation.
Shortening in English. Types and functioning.
Word as a semantic, phonological and grammatical unit. Definitions of the word and factors conditioning them.
Semasiology as a part of lexicology, its aims and problems
Semantic structure and structure of meaning.
Lexicology and lexicography.
Lexicography and the main problems of dictionary compiling.
Word-formation in English.
Specific features of English compounds comparing with Russian.
Conversion and affixation in English.
Classification of suffixes and prefixes. Hybrids.
Classification of compounds in English.
Semantic relations in conversion.
Minor types of word-formation.
Shortening in English. Types and functioning.
Word as a semantic, phonological and grammatical unit. Definitions of the word and factors conditioning them.
Semasiology as a part of lexicology, its aims and problems
Semantic structure and structure of meaning.