Тула: Тульский государственный педагогический университет им. Л.Н.
Толстого (ТГПУ), 2013. — 7 с.
Lexicology as a science. It`s aims, general & special L.
L. as a linguistic science. It`s connections with other ling. science.
Lexicography. Problems of comparing dictionaries.
Semantic change. Generalization & specialization of meanings.
The problems of Collocability: types,lows,pattes.
Valency as the basic principle of word-grouping
Semantic changes: it`s nature, causes & results.
Semantic changes: metaphor & metonymy.
Synonyms in Eng.
Antonyms in English. Types.
Homonyms in English. Types.
The classification of compounds in English.
Slang in English
The problem of semi-affixes.
Lexicology as a science. It`s aims, general & special L.
L. as a linguistic science. It`s connections with other ling. science.
Lexicography. Problems of comparing dictionaries.
Semantic change. Generalization & specialization of meanings.
The problems of Collocability: types,lows,pattes.
Valency as the basic principle of word-grouping
Semantic changes: it`s nature, causes & results.
Semantic changes: metaphor & metonymy.
Synonyms in Eng.
Antonyms in English. Types.
Homonyms in English. Types.
The classification of compounds in English.
Slang in English
The problem of semi-affixes.