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  • добавлен 12 января 2017 г.
Nisset Luc. French In Your Face!: The only book to match 1,001 smiles, frowns, and gestures to French expressions so you can learn to live the language!
McGraw-Hill, 2007. — vi, 154 pages. — (In Your Face). — ISBN: 0-07-150914-3.
Изучение языка может быть веселым занятием! Это иллюстрированное пособие по лексике французского языка, связанной с личными качествами, отношениями между людьми, настроениеми и эмоциями, убедит Вас в этом.
Using the stories that our faces, appearance, and gestures tell, French in Your Face helps you lea and remember essential French vocabulary and everyday expressions relating to personality, attitudes, moods, and emotions.
This hugely entertaining book is packed with illustrations that will tickle your funny bone and fine-tune your ability to communicate, face-to-face, in French.
Character and Personality
Polar opposites
Le personnalitest
Personality types A--Z
Moods, Emotions, and Attitudes
Mood swings
Emotions and attitudes A--Z
Appearance and Gestures
Facial descriptions
L'agence de rencontres
Body language