Лексикология и стилистика / Lexicology and Stylistics
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  • добавлен 27 февраля 2016 г.
Лексикология. Ответы на билеты (готовая шпаргалка)
Ответы на следующие билеты:
Lexicology as a science. Branches of lexicology.
The word as the main lexical unit.
The morpheme. Types of morphemes. Morphemic analysis of words.
Derivational analysis.
The system of affixation in English.
Conversion as a way of word–formation.
English compounds and their specific features.
The criteria of compounds.
Classification of compounds.
Minor ways of word–building (shortening, blending, onomatopoeia).
Types of meaning. Lexical and grammatical meaning.
Word meaning and motivation.
The semantic structure of words. Central and peripheral elements of it.
Denotational and connotational components of meaning.
Different types of semantic change.
The notion of polysemy. Polysemy and context.
Synonyms. Sources of synonymy.
Classifications of synonyms.
Homonyms. Sources of homonymy.
Classifications of homonyms.
Phraseological units and free word combinations.
The problem of classification of phraseological units.
The etymology of English word-stock. Words of native origin.
Borrowings from different languages, their assimilation.
Шпаргалка готова к распечатке.