Лекции по стилистике.
МГПИ, Россия, Стекольщикова И.В., 2012, 38 стр.
Varieties of personal style.
Stylistic stratification of the English vocabulary.
Phonetic level of stylistic devices.
Lexical level. Lexical stylistic devices.
Lexical level. Hyperbole.
Metaphor and metonymy.
Syntactic level.
МГПИ, Россия, Стекольщикова И.В., 2012, 38 стр.
Varieties of personal style.
Stylistic stratification of the English vocabulary.
Phonetic level of stylistic devices.
Lexical level. Lexical stylistic devices.
Lexical level. Hyperbole.
Metaphor and metonymy.
Syntactic level.