Курс лекций по дисциплине стилистика английского языка, составитель
Карпова Л.И. доцент кафедры профессиональной иноязычной
коммуникации Волгоградского государственного университета. В данном
файле содержится 13 лекций, объем 20 страниц формата Word 97'.
Язык - английский.
The subject of stylistics, principle notions, relationships with other linguistic sciences and spheres of human activity.
Communicative systems in the English language.
Stylistic classification of the English vocabulary.
Stylistic classification of the English vocabulary: special colloquial vocabulary.
Expressive means and stylistic devices of different levels of language structure. General notes. Expressive means and stylistic devices of the phono-praphical and morphological level.
(1) Word and its semantic structure. Connotational meanings of a word. The role of the context in the actualization of meaning. (2) Expressive means and stylistic devices of the lexical level. Interaction of dictionary and contextual logical meanings.
(1) Interaction of primary and derivative logical meanings: play on words (PUN) and zeugma. (2) Interaction of logical and emotive meanings: antonomasia. (3) Intensification of a certain feature of a phenomenon: hyperbole, understatement, simile, perphrasis, euphemism.
Stylistic use of phraseology: the cliche, proverbs, and sayings, allusions, epigrams, quotations, translation of phraseological units.
Expressive means and stylistic devices of the syntactical level.
Syntactical devices based on (1) peculiar syntactical means of connection (2) peculiar use of structural means of connection, (3) peculiar use of spoken structural norms.
Lexico-syntactical devices: (1) repetition and its types-anaphora, epiphora, framing, linking repetition (anadiplosis), chain repetition, synonimical repetition, (2) enumeration, (3) suspence, (4) climax (gradation) and its types, (5) antithesis.
Functional styles.
Text as an object of stylistic analysis in English.
Язык - английский.
The subject of stylistics, principle notions, relationships with other linguistic sciences and spheres of human activity.
Communicative systems in the English language.
Stylistic classification of the English vocabulary.
Stylistic classification of the English vocabulary: special colloquial vocabulary.
Expressive means and stylistic devices of different levels of language structure. General notes. Expressive means and stylistic devices of the phono-praphical and morphological level.
(1) Word and its semantic structure. Connotational meanings of a word. The role of the context in the actualization of meaning. (2) Expressive means and stylistic devices of the lexical level. Interaction of dictionary and contextual logical meanings.
(1) Interaction of primary and derivative logical meanings: play on words (PUN) and zeugma. (2) Interaction of logical and emotive meanings: antonomasia. (3) Intensification of a certain feature of a phenomenon: hyperbole, understatement, simile, perphrasis, euphemism.
Stylistic use of phraseology: the cliche, proverbs, and sayings, allusions, epigrams, quotations, translation of phraseological units.
Expressive means and stylistic devices of the syntactical level.
Syntactical devices based on (1) peculiar syntactical means of connection (2) peculiar use of structural means of connection, (3) peculiar use of spoken structural norms.
Lexico-syntactical devices: (1) repetition and its types-anaphora, epiphora, framing, linking repetition (anadiplosis), chain repetition, synonimical repetition, (2) enumeration, (3) suspence, (4) climax (gradation) and its types, (5) antithesis.
Functional styles.
Text as an object of stylistic analysis in English.