Словарь сленга интернета. Распространённые сокращения, включая
буквенные и цифровые сочетания, использующиеся на форумах, в чатах
и т. д.
A guide to everyday acronyms and obscure abbreviations.
Inteet slang dictionary consists of slang and acronyms that users have created as an effort to save keystrokes. Terms have originated from various sources including Bulletin Boards, AIM, Yahoo, IRC, Chat Rooms, Email, Cell Phone Text Messaging, and some even as far back as World War II.
Inteet Slang is also called AOL speak, AOLese, AOLbonics, netspeak, or leetspeak (although leetspeak traditionally involves replacing letters with numbers and is reseved for games).
While it does save keystrokes, netspeak can prove very hard to read. Составитель: Mr. Doody.
Год: 2009.
Страниц: 218.
Формат: PDF.
Качество: отличное.
A guide to everyday acronyms and obscure abbreviations.
Inteet slang dictionary consists of slang and acronyms that users have created as an effort to save keystrokes. Terms have originated from various sources including Bulletin Boards, AIM, Yahoo, IRC, Chat Rooms, Email, Cell Phone Text Messaging, and some even as far back as World War II.
Inteet Slang is also called AOL speak, AOLese, AOLbonics, netspeak, or leetspeak (although leetspeak traditionally involves replacing letters with numbers and is reseved for games).
While it does save keystrokes, netspeak can prove very hard to read. Составитель: Mr. Doody.
Год: 2009.
Страниц: 218.
Формат: PDF.
Качество: отличное.