Лекции читала Житникова Л.В,Челябинск 2013,ЧелГУ.Basic lectures of
Lexicography from 2-7.
Лекции-Лекции по английской лексикографии,40страниц.
Темы лекций:
Theoretical lexicography, its aims and problems.
Historical development of British lexicography.
Historical signposts of American lexicography.
Thesaurus as a special type of ideographic dictionary
Translating dictionaries, their functions and peculiar features.
Corpus Linguistics as a new achievement in mode lexicography
Лекции-Лекции по английской лексикографии,40страниц.
Темы лекций:
Theoretical lexicography, its aims and problems.
Historical development of British lexicography.
Historical signposts of American lexicography.
Thesaurus as a special type of ideographic dictionary
Translating dictionaries, their functions and peculiar features.
Corpus Linguistics as a new achievement in mode lexicography