USA. — New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, 1998. —
296 p.
Известный консультант по спортивному травматизму клиники в
Калифорнии предлагает революционный метод освобождения от болей в
спине, имеющий эффективность 95%.
Выполнение программы занимает 20-30 минут. Программа предназначена для освобождения от болей в пояснице , при проблемах в тазобедренных суставах, при радикулите, болях в коленях; при кистевом туннельном синдроме и других болезненных проблемах в руках, которые часто неправильно диагностируются как артрит; при мигрени и других головных болях, ригидности затылочных мышц , усталости, проблем пазухи , головокружении, проблемах с височно-нижнечелюстным суставом; при болях в голени, варикозном расширении вен, вывихах или слабых лодыжках, при болезнях стопы ; бурсите, тендините и др. Приведены специальные профилактические программы для всего тела .
Developed by Pete Egoscue, a sports injury consultant to some of today's major athletes, and used exclusively at his renowned clinic in Califoia, the Egoscue Method has a 95 percent success rate. In Pain Free, Pete Egoscue gives you the keys to his remarkable success: a low-impact, easy-to-perform series of motioncises that retu the body to its natural design and posture and in the process completely eliminate even the most severe pain. Pain Free offers detailed photographs and step-by-step instructions for dozens of motioncises that will have you feeling positive results within twenty to thirty minutes. And the best part is that you won't have to give up or limit your favorite activities, purchase an expensive mattress, or pop a daily dose of prescription pills. Conveniently organized by chapters dealing with specific conditions, you can quickly and accurately determine what's wrong, what to do about it, and how to get relief - fast. Inside you'll find special motioncises designed for quick relief of lower back pain, hip problems, sciatica, and bad knees; carpal tunnel syndrome and other painful problems of the hands often misdiagnosed as arthritis; migraines and other headaches, stiff neck, fatigue, sinus problems, vertigo, and TMJ; shin splints, varicose veins, sprained or weak ankles, and an assortment of foot problems; bursitis, tendinitis, and rotator cuff problems; plus special preventive and maintenance motioncise programs for the entire body. List of illustrations
One Chronic Pain: The Mode Danger of Ignoring an Ancient Message
Two The Body's Design: A First-Class Mechanism Battered by Second-Class Treatment
Three The Egoscue Method: Getting Personal to Stop Chronic Pain
Four Feet: The Care of the Sole
Five Ankles: The Circuit Breaker
Six Knees: Good News About Bad Knees
Seven Hips: United We Stand
Eight Backs: Close Up on the Far Side
Nine Shoulders: Locked in the Box
Ten Elbows, Wrists, and Hands: The Moving Finger .
Eleven Neck and Head: On the Level
Twelve Sports Injuries and Peak Performance: Play or Pay
Thirteen Pain Free: The Right to Move
Выполнение программы занимает 20-30 минут. Программа предназначена для освобождения от болей в пояснице , при проблемах в тазобедренных суставах, при радикулите, болях в коленях; при кистевом туннельном синдроме и других болезненных проблемах в руках, которые часто неправильно диагностируются как артрит; при мигрени и других головных болях, ригидности затылочных мышц , усталости, проблем пазухи , головокружении, проблемах с височно-нижнечелюстным суставом; при болях в голени, варикозном расширении вен, вывихах или слабых лодыжках, при болезнях стопы ; бурсите, тендините и др. Приведены специальные профилактические программы для всего тела .
Developed by Pete Egoscue, a sports injury consultant to some of today's major athletes, and used exclusively at his renowned clinic in Califoia, the Egoscue Method has a 95 percent success rate. In Pain Free, Pete Egoscue gives you the keys to his remarkable success: a low-impact, easy-to-perform series of motioncises that retu the body to its natural design and posture and in the process completely eliminate even the most severe pain. Pain Free offers detailed photographs and step-by-step instructions for dozens of motioncises that will have you feeling positive results within twenty to thirty minutes. And the best part is that you won't have to give up or limit your favorite activities, purchase an expensive mattress, or pop a daily dose of prescription pills. Conveniently organized by chapters dealing with specific conditions, you can quickly and accurately determine what's wrong, what to do about it, and how to get relief - fast. Inside you'll find special motioncises designed for quick relief of lower back pain, hip problems, sciatica, and bad knees; carpal tunnel syndrome and other painful problems of the hands often misdiagnosed as arthritis; migraines and other headaches, stiff neck, fatigue, sinus problems, vertigo, and TMJ; shin splints, varicose veins, sprained or weak ankles, and an assortment of foot problems; bursitis, tendinitis, and rotator cuff problems; plus special preventive and maintenance motioncise programs for the entire body. List of illustrations
One Chronic Pain: The Mode Danger of Ignoring an Ancient Message
Two The Body's Design: A First-Class Mechanism Battered by Second-Class Treatment
Three The Egoscue Method: Getting Personal to Stop Chronic Pain
Four Feet: The Care of the Sole
Five Ankles: The Circuit Breaker
Six Knees: Good News About Bad Knees
Seven Hips: United We Stand
Eight Backs: Close Up on the Far Side
Nine Shoulders: Locked in the Box
Ten Elbows, Wrists, and Hands: The Moving Finger .
Eleven Neck and Head: On the Level
Twelve Sports Injuries and Peak Performance: Play or Pay
Thirteen Pain Free: The Right to Move