London, New York: Routledge, 2005. — 280 p.
Аудиокурс французского языка составленный для учащихся продолжающих
самостоятельное изучение языка и построенный таким образом, чтобы
обучающийся смог работать с большим количеством текстов на
современном повседневном французском. Файл содержит учебник и
первый компакт-диск.
Colloquial French 2 is designed to help those involved in
self-study, and structured to give you the opportunity to read lots
of mode, everyday French. It has been developed to work
systematically on reinforcing and extending your grasp of French
grammar and vocabulary.
Key features of Colloquial French 2 include:
- a broad range of everyday situations, focusing on France and the
wider francophone world
- revision: material to help consolidate and build up your basics
- a wide range of contemporary documents
- written exercises in each unit
- highlighted key structures and phrases, a grammar reference and detailed answer keys
- supplementary exercises and French language web links at ISBN 0–415–26647–5 (book)
ISBN 0–415–26648–3 (audio cassette)
ISBN 0–415–30139–4 (audio CD)
ISBN 0–415–26649–1 (pack)
ISBN 0-203-98765-9 Master e-book ISBN Contents
How to use this book
Renouer contact
La France et ses villes
En route
Rendez-vous d’affaires
Travail / loisirs
Le sud-ouest
La vie en France: mode d’emploi
A votre santé!
Communiquer, s’exprimer
Vive le sport!
Le plaisir de lire
La francophonie
Grammar reference
Key to exercises
Grammar index
Topic index
- revision: material to help consolidate and build up your basics
- a wide range of contemporary documents
- written exercises in each unit
- highlighted key structures and phrases, a grammar reference and detailed answer keys
- supplementary exercises and French language web links at ISBN 0–415–26647–5 (book)
ISBN 0–415–26648–3 (audio cassette)
ISBN 0–415–30139–4 (audio CD)
ISBN 0–415–26649–1 (pack)
ISBN 0-203-98765-9 Master e-book ISBN Contents
How to use this book
Renouer contact
La France et ses villes
En route
Rendez-vous d’affaires
Travail / loisirs
Le sud-ouest
La vie en France: mode d’emploi
A votre santé!
Communiquer, s’exprimer
Vive le sport!
Le plaisir de lire
La francophonie
Grammar reference
Key to exercises
Grammar index
Topic index