Хрестоматия для студентов высших учебных заведений. — В 2—х частях.
— Барановичи: БарГУ, 2010. —232 с.
Вторая часть хрестоматии является прямым продолжением первой части.
В книге собраны отрывки из наиболее значимых работ У. Вайнрайха, Г.
Марчанда, Д. Кастовского и других известных лингвистов.
Предназначена для использования в курсе лексикологии английского языка, а также при подготовке курсовых и дипломных работ . Word—formation.
Aronoff M. When Nouns Surface as Verbs.
Beard R. The Agenda of Morphology.
Bloomfield L. Language.
Heatherington M.E. The Forms of Language.
Hockett Ch. A Course in Mode Linguistics.
Isitt D. Crazic, Menty and Idiotal. An Inquiry into the Use of Suffixes —al, —ic, — ly and —y in Mode English.
Jackson H. Analyzing English.
Jespersen O. A Mode English Grammar on Historical Principles.
Kastovsky D. Lexical Fields and Word-Formation.
Kennedy A.G. Current English.
Lieber R. Morphology and Lexical Semantics.
Marchand H. A Set of Criteria for the Establishing of Derivational Relationship between Words Unmarked by Derivational Morphemes.
Marchand H. Expansion, Transposition, and Derivation.
Marchand H. The Categories and Types of Present—day English Wordformation.
Newman St. S. English Suffixation: a Descriptive Approach.
Uhlenbeck E. M. Productivity and Creativity.
Zimmer K. E. Affixal Negation in English and Other Languages: an Investigation of Restricted Productivity.
Hocket Ch. A Course in Mode Linguistics.
Jespersen O. Growth and Structure of the English Language.
Sheard J.A. The Words We Use.
Предназначена для использования в курсе лексикологии английского языка, а также при подготовке курсовых и дипломных работ . Word—formation.
Aronoff M. When Nouns Surface as Verbs.
Beard R. The Agenda of Morphology.
Bloomfield L. Language.
Heatherington M.E. The Forms of Language.
Hockett Ch. A Course in Mode Linguistics.
Isitt D. Crazic, Menty and Idiotal. An Inquiry into the Use of Suffixes —al, —ic, — ly and —y in Mode English.
Jackson H. Analyzing English.
Jespersen O. A Mode English Grammar on Historical Principles.
Kastovsky D. Lexical Fields and Word-Formation.
Kennedy A.G. Current English.
Lieber R. Morphology and Lexical Semantics.
Marchand H. A Set of Criteria for the Establishing of Derivational Relationship between Words Unmarked by Derivational Morphemes.
Marchand H. Expansion, Transposition, and Derivation.
Marchand H. The Categories and Types of Present—day English Wordformation.
Newman St. S. English Suffixation: a Descriptive Approach.
Uhlenbeck E. M. Productivity and Creativity.
Zimmer K. E. Affixal Negation in English and Other Languages: an Investigation of Restricted Productivity.
Hocket Ch. A Course in Mode Linguistics.
Jespersen O. Growth and Structure of the English Language.
Sheard J.A. The Words We Use.