London: Penguin, 2000. - 365 с.
Книга об лексикологических, грамматических и прочих аспектах
правильного употребления английского языка в различных ситуациях.
Книга полезна как для носителей английского языка, так и для
изучающих язык в качестве иностранного.
Harry Blamires, a graduate of University College, Oxford, was
formerly Dean of Arts and Sciences at King Alfred’s College,
Winchester. He was Visiting Professor of English Literature at
Wheaton College, Illinois, in 1987. The University of Southampton
has awarded him a D.Litt. in recognition of his achievements as a
writer. His total output of some thirty books includes fiction and
theology, but he is widely known for his works of literary history
and criticism. These include A Short History of English Literature
(Routledge) and Twentieth-Century English Literature (Macmillan).
For over three decades students in the USA and the UK have
benefitted from his classic guide to Joyce’s Ulysses, The New
Bloomsday Book. More recently, in The Cassell Guide to Common
Errors in English, he has shown how lively and entertaining the
exploration of current usage can be.