Стилистика английского языка / English Stylistics
Лексикология и стилистика / Lexicology and Stylistics
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  • добавлен 20 мая 2015 г.
Билеты по стилистике английского языка
Sound instrumenting. Phonetic stylistic devices. Antonomasia.
Purely graphical means. Hyperbole. Understatement.
Climax. Its types. Anticlimax.
Morphemic foreground. Occasional words and neologisms. Epithet. Its types.
Types of connection. Polysyndeton. Asyndeton. Attachment.
Foreground. Antithesis.
Simile. Disguised simile.
Transference. Litotes. Periphrasis.
Types of narratation.
Stylistic devices and expressive means. Oxymoron. Convergence.
Denotation and connotation. Context. Stylistic context. The length of the sentence. Punctuation.
The vocabulary system of the English language. Syntactical repetition. Chiasmus.
Special literary groups. Types of lexical repetition.
Special colloquial groups. Inversion. Suspence.
Transference. Trope. Metaphor. Detachment. Ellipsis.
Compositional forms.
Functional styles. Classification.
Colloquial speech.
Newspaper style. New joualism.
Publicist style. Scientific prose style.
Belles-lettres style.
The origin of stylistics. Its connection with other linguistic disciplines.
Functional stylistics. Decoding stylistics. Practical stylistics. Pun. Zeugma.
Benveniste's scheme of stylistic analysis. Metonymy.
Foregrounding. Irony.