Курс - «Лексикология современного английского языка».
преп - Николаев С.Г.; стр. 40, 2013.
Южный Федеральный Университет (г. Ростов-на-Дону).
General problems of lexicology. Lexicology as a branch of linguistics.
Word as the basic unit of language.
The semantic triangle.
Lexical meaning and the semantic structure of English words.
Semantic change: its types and causes.
Linguistic causes of change.
Extra-linguistic causes of change.
Morphological structure of English words.
Derivational and functional affixes.
Compound words in mode English.
Classification of compounds.
Derivational compounds.
Reduplications in English.
The historical development of English compounds.
New wordforming pattes in composition.
Shortening in Mode English word-building.
Graphical abbreviations.
Conversion in Mode English word-building.
The historical development of conversion in English.
Conversive processes in Mode English.
Semantic relationships in conversion.
Set expressions in mode English (classification).
The origin of set expressions in mode English.
English proverbs, sayings, familiar quotations*, clichés.
Homonymy; Synonyms; Antonyms.
Vocabulary as an adaptive system.
The origin of the mode English vocabulary. Native words versus loan words.
Assimilation of loan words. The degree of assimilation.
Etymological doublets.
Regional varieties of the English vocabulary. Standard English and dialects.
преп - Николаев С.Г.; стр. 40, 2013.
Южный Федеральный Университет (г. Ростов-на-Дону).
General problems of lexicology. Lexicology as a branch of linguistics.
Word as the basic unit of language.
The semantic triangle.
Lexical meaning and the semantic structure of English words.
Semantic change: its types and causes.
Linguistic causes of change.
Extra-linguistic causes of change.
Morphological structure of English words.
Derivational and functional affixes.
Compound words in mode English.
Classification of compounds.
Derivational compounds.
Reduplications in English.
The historical development of English compounds.
New wordforming pattes in composition.
Shortening in Mode English word-building.
Graphical abbreviations.
Conversion in Mode English word-building.
The historical development of conversion in English.
Conversive processes in Mode English.
Semantic relationships in conversion.
Set expressions in mode English (classification).
The origin of set expressions in mode English.
English proverbs, sayings, familiar quotations*, clichés.
Homonymy; Synonyms; Antonyms.
Vocabulary as an adaptive system.
The origin of the mode English vocabulary. Native words versus loan words.
Assimilation of loan words. The degree of assimilation.
Etymological doublets.
Regional varieties of the English vocabulary. Standard English and dialects.