Приборостроение, радиотехника, связь
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  • добавлен 23 января 2012 г.
Arnold P.G. Peterson Handbook of noise Measurement (1980)
New instruments and new measures of noise have made necessary this latest revision.
Many of the chapters have been extensively revised, and much new material has been added to some chapters.
In particular, commentsfrom users showed the need for more details on microphones and more specific information on the relation of a spectrum to its source.
The extensive growth of community noise measurements has also led to additions in some of the chapters.
The help of our former colleague, Ervin Gross, who has retired, has been greatly missed.
But Warren Kundert, David Allen, and Edward Rahaim have helped extensively in the preparation of this edition.
Aold P.G. Peterson

Some subjects covered are sound-noise-vibration and its effects-microphones preamplifiers and vibration transducers-sound level meters and calibrators-spectrum analyzers-community noise measurements etc.

The purpose of this book is to help those who are faced possibly for the first time with the necessity of making noise measurements. it attempts to clarify the terminology and definitions used in these measurements to describe the measuring instruments and their use to aid the prospective user in selecting the proper equipment for the meaasurements he must make and to show how these measurements can be interpreted to solve typical pboblems.
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