РПГУ им. А.И. Герцена, Факультет иностранных языков, СПб., 2013 г.,
2 стр.
(Автор не указан). What can be more fascinating then reading a gothic story? Today, when almost everyone is captured with an idea of something unreal and mysterious, … of course, nothing. The story begins with a bright description of the day - the sun was shining, The air was full of joyousness of early summer. But it sounds rather strange for the reader experienced in such types of stories.
(Автор не указан). What can be more fascinating then reading a gothic story? Today, when almost everyone is captured with an idea of something unreal and mysterious, … of course, nothing. The story begins with a bright description of the day - the sun was shining, The air was full of joyousness of early summer. But it sounds rather strange for the reader experienced in such types of stories.