Анализ отрывка "One Stair Up" на английском языке. ТНУ,
г.Симферополь, факультет иностранной филологии, 2013г, 1 стр.
Анализ сконцентрирован на следующих вопросах:
Describe the big picture and the impression it made on Rosa and Andrew.
Which of them do you think was right?
What did Rosa think of Andrew?
How did Andrew react to Rosa not liking the film?
Why did Rosa fail to reply with gentleness?
Анализ сконцентрирован на следующих вопросах:
Describe the big picture and the impression it made on Rosa and Andrew.
Which of them do you think was right?
What did Rosa think of Andrew?
How did Andrew react to Rosa not liking the film?
Why did Rosa fail to reply with gentleness?