Калининград: УОП КГТУ, 1998. - 49 с.
Для студентов всех специальностей (бакалавров) 1 курса дневного отделения. Text "Clothing"
Dialogues "Shopping"
Dialogues "Complimenting People On Clothes"
Dialogue "Buying an Overcoat"
Dialogue "At A Ready-Made Clothes Department"
Dialogues "Alterations, Trimmings, Fittings and Tryings-on"
Для студентов всех специальностей (бакалавров) 1 курса дневного отделения. Text "Clothing"
Dialogues "Shopping"
Dialogues "Complimenting People On Clothes"
Dialogue "Buying an Overcoat"
Dialogue "At A Ready-Made Clothes Department"
Dialogues "Alterations, Trimmings, Fittings and Tryings-on"