Amsterdam: North-Holland publishing company – 1976 – 422p.
J . C . Dainty The Statistics Of Speckle Pattes
A . Labeyr High Resolution Techniques In Optical Astronomy
L . A . Riseber And M . J . Weber. Relaxation Phenomena In Rare-Earth Luminescence
M . A.Duguay The Ultrafast Optical Kerr Shutter
G . Schmahlan D D . Rudolph. Holographic Diffraction Gratings
P. J . Veier. Photoemission
P. J . B . Clarricoa. Optical Fibre Waveguides . A Review
J . C . Dainty The Statistics Of Speckle Pattes
A . Labeyr High Resolution Techniques In Optical Astronomy
L . A . Riseber And M . J . Weber. Relaxation Phenomena In Rare-Earth Luminescence
M . A.Duguay The Ultrafast Optical Kerr Shutter
G . Schmahlan D D . Rudolph. Holographic Diffraction Gratings
P. J . Veier. Photoemission
P. J . B . Clarricoa. Optical Fibre Waveguides . A Review