Amsterdam: North-Holland publishing company – 1971 – 422p.
ISBN: 0 7204 1509 8
1. A. L. Bloom Gas lasers and their application to precise length measurement
2. A. J. Demaria Picosecond laser pulses
3. J. W. Strohbehn Optical propagation through the turbulent atmosphere
4. E. O. Ammann Synthesis of optical birefringent networks
5. L. Allen and D.G.C. Johnes Mode locking in gas lasers
6. V. M. Agranovich and V. L. Ginzburg Crystal optics with spatial dispersion
7. K. Gniadek and J. Petykiewicz Application of optical methods in the diffraction theory of elastic waves
8. R. Frieden Evaluation, design and extrapolation methods for optical signal, based on use of the prolate functions
ISBN: 0 7204 1509 8
1. A. L. Bloom Gas lasers and their application to precise length measurement
2. A. J. Demaria Picosecond laser pulses
3. J. W. Strohbehn Optical propagation through the turbulent atmosphere
4. E. O. Ammann Synthesis of optical birefringent networks
5. L. Allen and D.G.C. Johnes Mode locking in gas lasers
6. V. M. Agranovich and V. L. Ginzburg Crystal optics with spatial dispersion
7. K. Gniadek and J. Petykiewicz Application of optical methods in the diffraction theory of elastic waves
8. R. Frieden Evaluation, design and extrapolation methods for optical signal, based on use of the prolate functions