Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2002, 263 pages
The emergence of nanoscience portends a revolution in technology that will soon impact virtually every facet of our technological lives. Yet there is little understanding of what it is among the educated public and often among scientists and engineers in other disciplines. Furthermore, despite the emergence of undergraduate courses on the subject, no basic textbooks exist.
Background to nanotechnology
Molecular nanotechnology
Nanopowders and nanomaterials
The carbon age
Molecular mimics
Optics, photonics and solar energy
Future applications
Into the realms of imagination
The emergence of nanoscience portends a revolution in technology that will soon impact virtually every facet of our technological lives. Yet there is little understanding of what it is among the educated public and often among scientists and engineers in other disciplines. Furthermore, despite the emergence of undergraduate courses on the subject, no basic textbooks exist.
Background to nanotechnology
Molecular nanotechnology
Nanopowders and nanomaterials
The carbon age
Molecular mimics
Optics, photonics and solar energy
Future applications
Into the realms of imagination