the model allows us to explicitly introduce the EU regulation on the
spreading of organic manure, which sets a limit of 170kg/ha. Our results
show that the extended model provides greater possibilities for increasing
the level of production, and thus the revenue of each farm, while decreasing
the bad product (nitrogen surplus) and complying with the mandatory
standard on the spreading of organic manure.
This chapter provides an illustration that demonstrates the flexibility and
usefulness of the directional distance function in evaluating the impact of
environmental regulations on farms’ performance. This approach may also
be used to simulate other implementations of European regulations on
nitrogen management. In particular, this kind of approach can be used to
study the effect of replacing the management at the individual farm level of
the constraint limiting the amount of manure spread per hectare, with the
collective management of the said constraint by groups of farms, so as to
determine whether it is possible to further reduce the negative impact of pig
production on the environment and at the same time improve farms’
economic performance.
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