Nicole Adler is an Assistant Professor at the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem’s School of Business
Administration. She read for a B.Sc. in accounting
and economics at the University of Ulster, an M.Sc.
in operations research at the London School of
Economics and then for a Ph.D. at Tel Aviv
University, completing her thesis in 1999, under the
guidance of Professors Boaz Golany and Gabriel
Handler. Her major research interests include data
envelopment analysis and applied game theory, in particular with reference
to the transportation field. Her work has been published in various journals,
including Transportation Science, Transportation Research A, B and E and
the European Journal of Operational Research. She is a member of
INFORMS and the Air Transport Research Society and serves on the
editorial board of Transportation Research B.
Yiwen Bian is an assistant professor of Operations
Management, the Sydney Institute of Language &
Commerce, Shanghai University. He received a M.A.
Ph.D. in engineering from Beijing University of
Aeronautics and Astronautics, and University of Science
and Technology of China, respectively. His researches
focus on performance evaluation and decision making.
Dr. Bian’s recent research has appeared in Omega,
International Journal of Management Science and
International Journal of Management and Decision Making.
Yao Chen is Assistant Professor at College of
Management, University of Massachusetts at Lowell.
She received her Ph.D. of Business Administration from
the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Her current
research interests include efficiency and productivity
issues of information systems, information technology’s
impact on operations performance, and methodology
development of Data Envelopment Analysis. Her work
has appeared in such journals as European Journal of
Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics,
Information Technology & Management Journal, Annals of Operations
research, OMEGA, Socio-Economic Planning Science, and others.
Wade Cook is the Gordon Charlton Shaw Professor of
Management Science in the Schulich School of
Business, York University, Toronto, Canada, where he
serves as Department Head of Management Science and
as Associate Dean of Research. He holds a doctorate in
Mathematics and Operations Research. He has published
several books and more than 100 articles in a wide range
of academic and professional journals, including
Management Science, Operations Research, Journal of the Operational
Society, European Journal of Operational Research, IIE Transactions, etc..
His areas of specialty include Data Envelopment Analysis, and Multi
Criteria Decision Modeling. He is a former Editor of the Journal of
Productivity Analysis, and of INFOR, and is currently an Associate Editor of
Operations Research. Professor Cook has consulted widely with various
companies and government agencies.
José H. Dulá is an Associate Professor of Production
and Operations Management at Virginia Commonwealth
University. His Ph.D. is in Industrial and Operations
Engineering from the University of Michigan with a
Master's from Stanford University. He applies his
interests in polyhedral set theory, computational
geometry, and linear programming to understanding
DEA geometry and large scale applications. Examples of
journals where his publications appear include
Operations Research, Mathematical Programming, INFORMS Journal on
Computing, and European Journal of Operational Research.
About the Authors
About the Authors 323
Rolf Färe is Professor of Agricultural and Resource
Economics, and Economics at Oregon State University.
Prior to coming to OSU in 1998, He was a Professor of
Economics at Southern Illinois University at
Carbondale. Ronald W. Shephard (known for
Shephard's Lemma) is the person that made it possible
for me to come to the United States from Sweden in the
Boaz Golany is a Professor at the Industrial
Engineering and Management Faculty and the holder of
Samuel Gorney Chair in Engineering in the Technion -
Israel Institute of Technology where he serves as the
Dean since 2006. He has a B.Sc. in Industrial
Engineering and Management from the Technion
(1982), and a Ph.D. from the Business School of the
University of Texas at Austin (1985). He was awarded
the Naor Prize of the Israeli Operations Research
Society in 1982 and the Yigal Alon Fellowship from the Israeli Education
Ministry in 1986. In 1991 he was a recipient of the Technion Academic
Excellence Award and in 1994 he became a Senior Research Fellow of the
Institute at the University of Texas at Austin. He has served as an Area
Editor and member of the editorial Board for the Journal of Productivity
Analysis, IIE Transactions and Omega. Dr. Golany has published over 80
papers in academic journals and books. His publications are in the areas of
Industrial Engineering, Operations Research and Management Science. He
has been active in various professional societies including The Institute of
Management Science (in the US) and the Israeli Operations Research
Society (where he served as the Treasurer in 1989-1992 and as the vice-
President 1996-2002).
Shawna Grosskopf is a Professor at the Department
of Economics, Oregon State University. She obtained
here Ph.D. from Syracuse University. Her research
Fields include Public Economics, Performance
Measurement, Labor Economics. Professor Grosskopf
teaches courses in public economics, microeconomics,
and performance measurement. Her research includes
theoretical work in performance measurement with a
broad array of empirical applications including public sector performance,
education, health and environmental productivity. She has published in
American Economic Review, Journal of Econometrics, and Journal of
Productivity Analysis among others.
Zhongsheng Hua is Professor of Operations
Management, and Chairman of Department of
Information Management and Decision Science,
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC),
Hefei, Anhui Province, People’s Republic of China. He
holds an M.A. and Ph.D., both in engineering from
USTC. Professor Hua’s research focuses on forecasting,
decision analysis, production and operations
management, and supply chain management. His
research has appeared in Computers & Operations
Research, Information Science, Journal of the
Operational Research Society, Omega (The International Journal of
Management Science), International Journal of Production Research,
International Journal of Production Economics, Robotics and CIM,
European Journal of Operational Research, Expert Systems With
Application, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences etc.
He has also published two books and two book chapters.
Chiang Kao is a professor in the Department of Industrial
and Information Management, National Cheng Kung
University, Taiwan, Republic of China. He received his BS
degree from National Taiwan University, Taiwan, and holds
an MS and a Ph.D. degree both earned from Oregon State
University, USA. His research interest is in the applications
of operations research, with more than 100 articles
published in journals such as INFORMS Journal on Computing, Interfaces,
European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of the Operational
Research Society, Annals of Operations Research, Computers and
Operations Research, OMEGA, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, International Journal of Production Research, Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, Forest Science, Journal of Banking and Finance, Engineering
Optimization, International Journal of Systems Science, Computers in
Industry, etc. He has also published a book titled Management Performance
Evaluation: Data Envelopment Analysis in Chinese. He taught at the
Computer Science Department, Southwest Texas State University, USA, for
one year, was a Visiting Scholar at Purdue University, USA, and a Guest
Professor at Aachen University of Technology, Germany.
About the Authors
Monique Le Moing is a Computer Scientist at INRA
(National Institute for Agricultural Research) and is
highly skilled in statistics and informatics. She is taking
part in the empirical implementation of Isabelle Piot-
Lepetit's research developments. This work has led her
to generalise a set of DEA programmes written by
Isabelle Piot-Lepetit in SAS language, and to transcribe
them into a free software package. The original feature
of the DEAS software package is that it enables work to be carried out
within a context of joint production in the presence of undesirable outputs
and environmental regulations restricting the disposal or polluting waste.
The DEAS software package will be available for download from the end of
2006 (http://www.rennes.inra.fr/deas/).
Liang Liang received his MSc degree in Computer
Science at Hefei Polytechnic University in 1987 and
PhD degree in Systems Engineering from Southeast
University of China in 1991. Dr. Liang Liang is
Professor in Management School, University of Science
and Technology of China. His main research interests
include Decision Science, Data Envelopment Analysis
and supply chain theory and practice. He has published
60 papers in Chinese journals and 20 papers in English
journals. Professor Liang also serves on the editor boards of International
Journal of Mass Customization and Asian- Pacific Management Reviews.
Shiang-Tai Liu is currently a professor at the
Graduate School of Business and Management,
Vanung University, Taiwan. He received his B.S.,
M.S, and Ph.D. degrees from National Cheng Kung
University, Taiwan. His main research interests are in
the area of mathematical programming under
uncertainty and performance evaluation. He has
published articles in European Journal of Operational
Research, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, IEEE Transactions
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part B, International Journal of
Production Research, Journal of Banking and Finance, Internal Journal of
Approximate Reasoning, OMEGA, Cybernetics and Systems, etc.
About the Authors
Sebastián Lozano is Professor of Quantitative
Methods in Management at the Department of
Industrial Management, University of Seville. He
holds a Ph.D. from the University of Seville and a
Master of Engineering in Industrial Management from
the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. His research
interests include DEA, metaheuristics and soft
computing and their applications in operations
management. He has published in the Journal of the
Operational Research Society, European Journal of
Operational Research, OMEGA, Journal of Productivity Analysis,
International Journal of Production Research, Computers and Industrial
Engineering, Computers and Operations Research and OR Spectrum, among
Hiroshi Morita is Professor of Information Science
and Technology at Osaka University. Prior to joining
Osaka University, he was Associate Professor at Kobe
University, Assistant Professor at Osaka City
University and Osaka Prefuctural University. His
research interests include issues of performance
evaluation under uncertainty, system analysis,
production scheduling, quality management and data
envelopment analysis. His works have appeared in Omega, JSME
International Journal, International Journal of Information Technology and
Decision Making, International Transactions in Operational Research.
Jesús T. Pastor is Professor of Statistics and Operations
Research at the Universidad Miguel Hernandez of Elche,
Spain. He earned an MBA and a Ph.D. in mathematical
sciences from Valencia University, Spain. Prof. Pastor
research interests are found in operations research, and
more specifically in location science, banking and
efficiency analysis. He has served on the editorial review
or advisory board of more than 20 journals. He has
authored or coauthored 9 books in various fields of
mathematics, while his research has appeared in such journals as Operations
Research, OMEGA, Journal of the Operational Research Society,
Operations Research Letters, European Journal of Operations Research,
Location Science, Environment and Planning, Economics Letters,
Operations Research Letters, Top, International Journal of Information
About the Authors
Technology and Decision Making, Annals of Operations Research, Journal
of Productivity Analysis and European Finance Review.
Isabelle Piot-Lepetit is a Doctor of Economic
Sciences (University of Bordeaux I, France) and holds
an Accreditation to Supervise Research diploma
awarded by the University of Paris I Panthéon-
Sorbonne in 2005. Isabelle Piot-Lepetit works as an
Economic Research Scientist at INRA (National
Institute for Agricultural Research). Her research fields
relate to the incorporation of environmental constraints
and the introduction of dynamics into the micro-
economic representation of behaviour. Among other things, she shows the
value of the non-parametric analysis framework of the DEA (Data
Envelopment Analysis) approach in representing measures of environmental
policies in the European Union. Her research enables the impacts of
regulations on the performance of agricultural producers and on changes in
production structures to be quantified.
Adi Raveh studied mathematics and statistics (B.Sc.)
and statistics for an M.A. and Ph.D. at the Hebrew
University. Since 1982 he is affiliated with the Hebrew
University jointly at the Business School and the
Statistics Department. He has been a visiting professor at
Stanford University and Baruch College New York. He
has been an invited scholar at Columbia University and
Research Fellow (ASA/NSF) at the Census Bureau in
Washington D.C. His main fields of interest are in general data analysis and
in particular multivariate analysis using non-metric concepts, time-series
analysis and forecasting
About the Authors
John Ruggiero is a J. Robert Berry Endowed Faculty
Fellow and Associate Professor of Economics at the
University of Dayton. He received his B.A. in
economics and mathematics from the State University
of New York at Cortland and his M.S. and Ph.D. in
economics from Syracuse University. Dr. Ruggiero’s
current research interests are in theoretical and
applied performance evaluation. He has published dozens of articles in
leading and high quality journals in Operations Research and Economics.
Currently, Dr. Ruggiero is an Associate Editor of the Asia-Pacific Journal of
Operational Research and serves a reviewer for many journals.
José L. Ruiz is Associate Professor of Statistics and
Operations Research at the Universidad Miguel Hernández
of Elche, Spain. He earned an MBA in Mathematical
Sciences from the Universidad of Granada and a Ph.D.
from the Universidad Miguel Hernández. He develops his
research at the Universitary Institute for Research “Centro
de Investigación Operativa” (CIO) of the Universidad
Miguel Hernández. His main research interest is in the
analysis of efficiency and productivity. He has published his research in
journals such as Operations Research, European Journal of Operational
Research, Fuzzy Sets and Systems or International Journal of Information
Technology and Decision Making.
Joseph Sarkis is a Professor of Operations and
Environmental Management within the Graduate
School of Management at Clark University. He
earned his Ph.D. from the University of Buffalo. He
has published over 200 articles as peer reviewed
journal articles, published proceedings, and book
chapters. He has applied Data Envelopment Analysis
to a number of areas including business and the
environment, logistics, supply chain, information
systems, technology and operations management
topics. He recently published an edited book titled
"Greening the Supply Chain." He is a member of a number of editorial
boards for a wide range of internationally recognized journals. Currently he
is the editor of Management Research News, published by Emerald
Publishers. He is also a member of a number of professional organizations.
About the Authors
Gabriel Villa is Associate Professor at the Department of
Industrial Management, University of Seville. He holds a
Ph.D. from the University of Seville. His primary
research interest is in Data Envelopment Analysis. He has
published in the Journal of the Operational Research
Society, Journal of Productivity Analysis, OMEGA,
C&OR and Lecture Notes in Computer Science, among
Gerald Whittaker received a B.S. in chemistry and an
M.S. in resource economics, both from Oregon State
University. He received a J.D. from Lewis and Clark
Law School, Portland, Oregon. Whittaker has worked in
economic consulting, and as an economist with the
Economic Research Service, USDA. He is currently a
research hydrologist with the Agricultural Research
Service, USDA.
Feng Yang is a lecturer at Management school,
University of science and technology of China (USTC)
(currently a visiting scholar at the Schulich school of
Business, York University, Canada). He received a B.Sc.
in finance from Department of statistics and finance at
USTC and a Ph.D. from Management School at USTC.
His major research interests include data envelopment
analysis, supply chain management, and others. His work
has been published in various journals, including Annals
of Operations Research, Computers and Operations Research.
About the Authors
Ekaterina Yazhemsky, born in 1976 in Ekaterinburg
Russia, received her B.A. in statistics in 1999 and M.B.A.
in finance and operations management in 2003, both at
the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her research
experience began in 1999 as an economist in the
Research Department of The Central Bank of Israel.
Since 2003, Ekaterina has worked as a research assistant
at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s School of
Business Administration. Presently, Ekaterina is a Ph.D. candidate in
operations management and operations research under the guidance of Dr.
Nicole Adler and Prof. Jonathan Kornbluth. Her doctoral training is focused
on extending the applicability of data envelopment analysis, specifically in
the development of discrimination-improving models and in the presentation
of the results of DEA graphically.
Joe Zhu is Associated Professor of Operations,
Department of Management at Worcester Polytechnic
Institute, Worcester, MA. His research interests include
issues of performance evaluation and benchmarking,
supply chain design and efficiency, and Data
Envelopment Analysis. He has published over 50 articles
in journals such as Management Science, Operations
Research, IIE Transactions, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of
Operational Research Society, European Journal of Operational Research,
Information Technology and Management Journal, Computer and
Operations Research, OMEGA, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Journal
of Productivity Analysis, INFOR, Journal of Alternative Investment and
others. He is the author of Quantitative Models for Evaluating Business
Operations: Data Envelopment Analysis with Spreadsheets (Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2003). He developed the DEAFrontier software which
is a DEA add-in for Microsoft Excel. Professor Zhu has also co-authored
three books on modeling performance measurement, improving service
operations, and evaluating hedge funds. He is a co-editor of the Handbook
on Data Envelopment Analysis (Springer, 2004). He is an Associate Editor
of OMEGA and The Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. He is
also a member of Computers & Operations Research Editorial Board. For
more information about his research, please visit www.deafrontier.com.
About the Authors