DMU 3, is an inefficient one. Due to ignorance of the inaccurate estimation
of DMU 3 in the 1% case, the total difference in this case is smaller than that
of the 1% case. The total and average differences are 0.1723 and 0.0115,
respectively, where the average is twenty times larger than that of the fuzzy
set approach. Regarding the average error in estimating the true efficiency, it
is 1.4048%, a value which is also twenty times larger than that of the fuzzy
set approach.
Table 16-3. Results of the DMU-deletion approach
0% Relative rank 1% missing 2% missing 5% missing
DMU Eff. 1% 2% 5% Eff. Rank Eff. Rank Eff. Rank
1 0.8283 13 12 10 0.8442 14 0.8442 13 0.8442 11
2 1.0000 - - - - - - - - -
3 0.9581 11 - - 0.9921 10 - - - -
4 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
5 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
6 0.9572 12 11 9 0.9856 11 0.9856 10 1.0000 8
7 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
8 0.7941 15 14 - 0.8073 15 0.8073 14 - -
9 1.0000 - 1.0000 1.0000 - -
10 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
11 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
12 0.8172 14 13 11 0.8728 13 0.8728 12 0.8728 10
13 0.7441 16 15 - 0.7956 16 0.7956 15 - -
14 0.9644 10 10 8 0.9721 12 0.9721 11 0.9728 9
15 1.0000 - 1.0000 1.0000 - -
16 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
17 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Total absolute difference 0.2063 6 0.1723 4 0.1227 4
Average difference 0.0129 0.3750 0.0115 0.2667 0.0112 0.3636
Average error 1.5388% 1.4048% 1.2787%
For the last case of the 5% missing rate, there are 11 DMUs left after
deleting 6 of them. As expected, the efficiency of every DMU is greater than
or equal to those of the original case. The total difference from the 11 DMUs
is 0.1227, with an average of 0.0112. This value is approximately four times
larger than the value of 0.0026, calculated from the fuzzy set approach. The
average error in estimating the true efficiency is 1.2787%, which is
approximately 4.6 times larger than that of the fuzzy set approach. The total
and average differences in ranks are 4 and 0.3636, respectively. The average
difference in ranks is also greater than that of the fuzzy set approach: 0.3636
versus 0.1176, a ratio of 3.09.
The results from three missing rates show that the fuzzy set approach is
superior to the conventional DMU-deletion approach, because it not only
produces better estimates of the efficiencies but also preserves the available
Kao & Liu, Data Envelopment Analysis with Missing Data
information of all DMUs. It is also worthwhile to note that as the missing
rate increases the error in estimating the true efficiency for the DMU-
deletion approach shows a decreasing trend, indicating that this approach
may perform better for higher missing rates.
The basis of DEA is data and missing data thus hinders the calculation of
efficiency. In practice, the DMUs with values missing are usually deleted to
make the DEA approach applicable. However, this has two consequences,
one is the loss of information contained in those deleted DMUs and the other
is an overestimation of the efficiencies of the remaining DMUs. In this study
we represent the missing values by fuzzy numbers and apply a fuzzy DEA
approach to calculate the efficiencies of all DMUs. Since each fuzzy number
is constructed from the available input/output information of the DMU in
concern, it appropriately represents the value which is missing.
To investigate whether the proposed approach can produce satisfactory
estimates for true efficiencies, we select a typical problem with complete
data and delete different numbers of input/output values to result in cases of
incomplete data. The errors in estimating true efficiencies for three missing
rates are less than 0.3% for the fuzzy set approach and approximately 1.5%
for the DMU-deletion approach, and thus the former obviously outperforms
the latter. Most importantly, the efficiencies of those DMUs with some
values missing can also be calculated.
The conclusions of this study are based on one problem with three
missing rates. While the proposed approach is intuitively attractive and the
results are promising, a comprehensive comparison which takes into account
different problem sizes, missing rates, and other problem characteristics is
necessary in order to draw conclusions applicable to all situations.
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Chapter 16
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Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Joe Sarkis
Graduate School of Management, Clark University, 950 Main Street, Worcester, MA, 01610-
1477, jsarkis@clarku.edu
Abstract: DEA and its appropriate applications are heavily dependent on the data set that
is used as an input to the productivity model. As we now know there are
numerous models based on DEA. However, there are certain characteristics of
data that may not be acceptable for the execution of DEA models. In this
chapter we shall look at some data requirements and characteristics that may
ease the execution of the models and the interpretation of results. The lessons
and ideas presented here are based on a number of experiences and
considerations for DEA. We shall not get into the appropriate selection and
development of models, such as what is used for input or output data, but
focus more on the type of data and the numerical characteristics of this data.
Key words: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Homogeneity, Negative, Discretionary
Selection of inputs and outputs and number of DMUs is one of the core
difficulties in developing a productivity model and in preparation of the data.
In this brief review, we will not focus on the managerial reasoning for
selection of input and output factors, but more on the computational and data
aspects of this selection process.
Typically, the choice and the number of inputs and outputs, and the
DMUs determine how good of a discrimination exists between efficient and
inefficient units. There are two conflicting considerations when evaluating
the size of the data set. One consideration is to include as many DMUs as
possible because with a larger population there is a greater probability of
capturing high performance units that would determine the efficient frontier
and improve discriminatory power. The other conflicting consideration with
a large data set is that the homogeneity of the data set may decrease,
meaning that some exogenous impacts of no interest to the analyst or beyond
control of the manager may affect the results (Golany and Roll 1989; Haas
and Murphy, 2003). Also, the computational requirements would tend to
increase with larger data sets. Yet, there are some rules of thumb on the
number of inputs and outputs to select and their relation to the number of
There are methods to look into homogeneity based on pre-processing
analysis of the statistical distribution of data sets and removing “outliers” or
clustering analysis, and post-processing analysis such as multi-tiered DEA
(Barr, et al., 1994) and returns-to-scale analysis to determine if homogeneity
of data sets is lacking. However, multi-tiered approaches require large
numbers of DMU to do this.
Another set of three strategies to adjust for non-homogeneity were
proposed by Haas and Murphy (2003). The first, a multi-stage approach by
Sexton et al. (1994) is one technique. In the first stage they perform DEA
using raw data producing a set of efficiency scores for all DMUs. In the
second stage they run a stepwise multiple regression on that set of efficiency
scores using a set of site (exogenous) characteristics that are expected to
account for differences in efficiency. In the third stage they adjust DMU
outputs to account for the differences in site characteristics and perform a
second DEA to produce a new set of efficiency scores based on the adjusted
data. The adjusted output levels used in the second DEA are derived by
multiplying the level of each output by the ratio of the DMU’s unadjusted
efficiency score to its expected efficiency score. The magnitude of error
method (actual minus forecast) is the second technique suggested by Haas
and Murphy (2003). In this approach the adjustment is to estimate inputs
and outputs using regression analysis. The factors causing non-homogeneity
are treated as independent variable(s). DEA is then applied using the
differences between actual and forecast inputs and outputs, rather than the
original inputs and outputs. The ratio of actual to forecast method
(actual/forecast) is the third technique suggested by Haas and Murphy
(2003). This time instead of using differences, they use the ratio of actual
input to forecast input and actual outputs to forecast outputs executing DEA.
But simulation experiments showed that none of these three strategies
performed well. At this time alternative approaches for addressing non-
homogeneity are limited.
Chapter 17
To further determine homogeneity and heterogeneity of data sets, using
clustering analysis may be appropriate. Clustering techniques such as using
Ward’s method maximizes within-group homogeneity and between-group
heterogeneity and forms cluster and dendograms to help identify
homogeneous groups. A good example of this preliminary data analysis
approach is found in Cinca and Molinero (2004).
Size of Data Set
Clearly, there are advantages to having larger data sets to complete a
DEA analysis, but there are minimal requirements as well. Boussofiane et al.
(1991) stipulate that to get good discriminatory power out of the CCR and
BCC models the lower bound on the number of DMUs should be the
multiple of the number of inputs and the number of outputs. This reasoning
is derived from the issue that there is flexibility in the selection of weights to
assign to input and output values in determining the efficiency of each
DMU. That is, in attempting to be efficient a DMU can assign all of its
weight to a single input or output. The DMU that has one particular ratio of
an output to an input as highest will assign all its weight to those specific
inputs and outputs to appear efficient. The number of such possible inputs is
the product of the number of inputs and the number of outputs. For example,
if there are 3 inputs and 4 outputs the minimum total number of DMUs
should be 12 for some discriminatory power to exist in the model.
Golany and Roll (1989) establish a rule of thumb that the number of units
should be at least twice the number of inputs and outputs considered. Bowlin
(1998) and Friedman and Sinuany-Stern (1998) mention the need to have
three times the number of DMUs as there are input and output variables or
that the total number of input and output variables should be less than one
third of the number of DMUs in the analysis: (m + s) < n/3. Dyson et al.
(2001) recommend a total of two times the product of the number of input
and output variables. For example with a 3 input, 4 output model Golany
and Roll recommend using 14 DMUs, while Bowlin/Friedman and Sinuany
recommend at least 21 DMUs, and Dyson et al. recommend 24. In any
circumstance, these numbers should probably be used as minimums for the
basic productivity models.
These rules of thumb attempt to make sure that the basic productivity
models are more discriminatory. If the analyst still finds that the
discriminatory power is lost due to the fewer number of DMUs, they can
either reduce the number of input and output factors, or the analyst can turn
to a different productivity model that has more discriminatory power. DEA-
based productivity models that can help discriminate among DMUs more
effectively regardless of the size of the data set include models introduced or
Sarkis, Preparing Your Data for DEA
developed by Andersen and Petersen (1993), Rousseau and Semple (1995),
and Doyle and Green (1994).
With extra large data sets, some analysts may wish to reduce the size by
eliminating the correlated input or output factors. To show what will happen
in this situation, a simple example of illustrative data is presented in Table
17-1. In this example, we have 20 DMUs, 3 inputs and 2 outputs. The first
input is perfectly correlated with the second input. The second input is
calculated by adding 2 to the first input for each DMU. The outputs are
randomly generated numbers.
Table 17-1. Efficiency Scores from Models with Correlated Inputs
DMU Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Output 1 Output 2 Efficiency Score
(3 Inputs, 2
Efficiency Score
(2 Inputs, 2
10 12 7 34 7 1.000 1.000
24 26 5 6 1 0.169 0.169
23 25 3 24 10 1.000 1.000
12 14 4 2 5 0.581 0.576
11 13 5 29 8 0.954 0.948
12 14 2 7 2 0.467 0.460
44 46 5 39 4 0.975 0.975
12 14 7 6 4 0.400 0.400
33 35 5 2 10 0.664 0.664
22 24 4 7 6 0.541 0.541
35 37 7 1 4 0.220 0.220
21 23 5 0 6 0.493 0.493
22 24 6 10 6 0.437 0.437
24 26 8 20 9 0.534 0.534
12 14 9 5 4 0.400 0.400
33 35 2 7 6 0.900 0.900
22 24 9 2 3 0.175 0.175
12 14 5 32 10 1.000 1.000
42 44 7 9 7 0.352 0.352
12 14 4 5 3 0.349 0.346
The basic CCR model is executed for the 3-input case (where the first
two inputs correlate) and a 2 input case where Input 2 is removed from the
Chapter 17
analysis. The efficiency scores are in the last two columns. Notice that in this
case, the efficiency scores are also almost perfectly correlated.
The only
differences that do occur are in DMUs 4, 5, 6, and 20 (for three decimal
places). This can save some time in data acquisition, storage, and
calculation, but the big caveat is that even when a perfectly correlated factor
is included it may provide a slightly different answer. What happens to the
results may depend on the level of correlation that is acceptable and whether
the exact efficiency scores are important.
Jenkins and Anderson (2003) describe a systematic statistical method,
using variances and covariances, for deciding which of the original
correlated variables can be omitted with least loss of information, and which
should be retained. The method uses conditional variance as a measure of
information contained in each variable and delete the variable that loses the
least information. They also found that even omitting variables that are
highly correlated and which contain little additional information can have a
major influence on the computed efficiency measures.
Reducing Number of Input and Output Factors – Principal Component
Given this initial caveat that correlated data may still provide some
information and that removing data can cause information loss, the
minimization of information loss has been a concern among researchers.
Yet, researchers are investigating how to complete this data reduction with
minimal information loss. Principal component analysis (PCA) has been
applied to data reduction for empirical survey type data. PCA is a
multivariate statistical tool for data reduction. It is designed with the goal of
reducing a large set of variables to a few factors that may represent a fewer
underlying factors for which the observed data are partial surrogates. The
aim is to form new factors that are linear combinations of the original factors
(items), and explain best the deviation of each observed datum from that
variable’s mean value.
A number of researchers have considered using PCA with DEA. Ueda
and Hoshiai (1997; Adler and Golany, 2001) considered using a few PCA
factors of the original data to obtain a more discerning ranking of DMUs.
Zhu (1998) in his approach compared DEA efficiency measures with an
efficiency measure made up as the ratio of a reduced set of PCA factors of
output variables divided by a reduced set of PCA factors for input variables.
Adler and Golany (2002) introduce three separate PCA–DEA formulations
which utilize the results of PCA to develop objective, assurance region type
constraints on the DEA weights. So PCA can be used at various junctures of
A simple method to determine correlation is by evaluating the correlation of the data in a
statistical package or even on a spreadsheet with correlation functions.
Sarkis, Preparing Your Data for DEA
DEA analysis to more effectively provide discriminatory power of DEA, as
well, without losing additional information.
Yet, a shortcoming of PCA is that it is dependent on the actual values of
the data. Any changes in the data values will result in different factors being
computed. Even though PCA is robust where small perturbations in the data
will cause only a small perturbation in the calculated values of all the factors
for a specific DEA run, it may not be too sensitive. On the other hand, if the
study is replicated later with the same DMUs, or repeated with another set of
comparable DMUs, the factors, and the ensuing DEA may not be strictly
comparable, because the composition of the factors may have changed.
One of the best ways of making sure there is not much imbalance in the
data sets is to have them at the same or similar magnitude. A way of making
sure the data is of the same or similar magnitude across and within data sets
is to mean normalize the data. The process to mean normalize is taken in two
simple steps. First step is to find the mean of the data set for each input and
output. The second step is to divide each input or output by the mean for that
specific factor.
Table 17-2. Raw Data Set for the Mean Normalization Example
DMU Input 1 Input 2 Output 1 Output 2
1 1733896 97 1147 0.82
2 2433965 68 2325 0.45
3 30546 50 1998 0.23
4 1052151 42 542 0.34
5 4233031 15 1590 0.67
6 3652401 50 1203 0.39
7 1288406 65 1786 1.18
8 4489741 43 1639 1.28
9 4800884 90 2487 0.77
10 536165 19 340 0.57
Column Mean 2425119 53.9 1505.7 0.67
For example, let us look at a small set of 10 random data points (10
DMUs) with 2 inputs and 2 outputs as shown in Table 17-2. The magnitudes
range from 10
to 10
; in many cases this situation may be more extreme.
For example, if total sales of a major company (usually in billions of dollars) was to be
compared to the risk associated with that company (usually a “Beta” score of
approximately 1).
Chapter 17