Chapter II
Invariant manifolds of hyperbolic fixed points
In this chapter we shall study a diffeomorphism ' W R
! R
of class C
for k 1,
near a fixed point which, by translation, can be assumed to be the origin so that
'.0/ D 0. The orbit through the origin is the set O.0/ Df0g consisting of the
origin. The diffeomorphism ' is of the form
'.x/ D '.0/ C d'.0/x CO'.x/
D d'.0/x CO'.x/
D Ax CO'.x/;
where A 2 L.R
/ is a linear isomorphism and where the remainder satisfies
O'.0/ D 0 and d O'.0/ D 0. We shall assume in the following that the fixed point
is hyperbolic. From a dynamical point of view such a fixed point is completely
unstable and we shall first demonstrate that near such a fixed point, the orbits of
the diffeomorphism behave topologically like the orbits of the linearized map at the
fixed point (theorem of Hartman–Grobman). There exist two distinguished sets,
called the stable, respectively the unstable invariant manifold, issuing from the hy-
perbolic fixed point. The stable manifold consists of the set of all points in the space
that under the iterates of the map converge to the fixed point, while the unstable
manifold is the set of points that converge under the iterates of the inverse map to the
fixed point. Considering only those points of these sets that stay under the iterates
of the map, respectively under the iterates of the inverse map in the neighborhood
of the fixed point, we shall show that the stable and unstable invariant manifolds
are, locally near the fixed point, embedded submanifolds represented by graphs
of functions (theorem of Hadamard–Perron). Globally, however, these stable and
unstable invariant manifolds are the images of injective immersions of Euclidean
spaces (theorem of S. Smale) which away from the fixed point can intersect each
other, giving rise to so-called homoclinic points. Homoclinic points considerably
complicate the orbit structure of the diffeomorphism nearby and imply the exis-
tence of orbits with quite unpredictable long-time behavior, as the next chapter
will show.
In the following we shall denote by L.X; Y / the vector space of the linear
and continuous maps between the two normed spaces X and Y and abbreviate
L.X/ D L.X; X/.