404 Diesel engine system design
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
retarding (braking) force that the tire–ground contact can support is determined
by the tire–road adhesion force. Above the adhesion limit, the tire will slide
or lock up. Locking up rear tires or semitrailer tires in a trailer–semitrailer
combination makes the vehicle completely lose directional stability in yaw
motion. It creates the dangerous tractor ‘jackkning’ and semitrailer swing,
or makes a two-axle vehicle rotate by 180∞. The lockup of front tires causes
a loss of steering directional control but not yawing instability. For rear-
wheel-driven vehicles on wet or icy roads with very low tire–road friction
coefcient, over-braking on the rear wheels should be avoided in order to
prevent the rear-wheel lockup and the associated vehicle instability.
Optimum braking force distribution between the front and rear tires ensures
the maximum braking forces on the front and rear axles to be developed
simultaneously to achieve the maximum deceleration rate and the minimum
stopping distance. But the optimum braking force distribution varies with
vehicle load, vehicle design, and road surface condition. With a non-optimum
distribution, one of the axles will lock rst. To prevent locking, less braking
force must be applied, resulting in a reduced deceleration capability. The
braking force distribution depends on the weight and the dimensions of the
vehicle. Highway commercial motor vehicles have a wide range of vehicle
weight, ranging from the single-unit trucks having three axles and 50,000–
65,000 lbs to the turnpike double length combination vehicles having nine
axles and 105,000–147,000 lbs. A detailed description of worldwide highway
commercial motor vehicle weights, dimensions, and brake-related standards
is provided by Freund (2007). SAE J2627 (2009) and J257 (1997) provide
fundamental information on vehicle braking systems.
Service brake force distribution
Two comprehensive reviews on the braking force distribution on axles and
heavy-vehicle braking performance have been provided by Radlinski (1987,
1989). He pointed out that it is difcult to optimize the braking performance
for all operating conditions without adding complexity to the design. He also
compared different braking design philosophies between the US and Europe
as a result of their different brake regulations and design practices. For
example, braking force distribution was regulated in European requirements,
while the US regulations do not specify braking force distribution directly.
As a result, European heavy vehicles must use relatively large brakes on the
steering (front) axles to match the high front axle loads occurring during
braking, and use load-sensing proportioning valves on the driven (rear) axles
to reduce the braking force under unloaded or partially loaded conditions or
on slippery road surfaces.
In the US design philosophy, balancing axle brake loads according to
gross axle weight ratings (GAWR) is considered to be the general practice.
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