425Engine brake performance in diesel engine system design
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
the exhaust brake operation. The use of the exhaust brake on an engine with
hydraulic lash adjusters can cause engine damage due to valve-to-piston
contact when the increased exhaust manifold pressure causes the exhaust
valve to oat off its seat and the associated lifter pumping-up occurs.
Usually, when the engine brake is activated fueling should be terminated.
However, if the fuel injection amount is set to idle fueling, a small amount
of fuel will be injected into the cylinder to produce some ring power. This
is undesirable because it reduces the engine retarding power. Moreover,
using the exhaust brake without the interruption of fuel injection will create
a large increase in the carbonaceous residue in the combustion chamber and
in the engine oil, as well as high smoke due to insufcient air, as reported
by Sequeira and Faria (1984).
The exhaust brake is often used together with the glow plug to help speed
up the engine warm-up. With the braking valve partially closed in fueling
condition, the engine is loaded with higher back pressure and hence has to
burn more fuel than in the normal idle mode after the engine start. This can
promote the rise of coolant temperature during the warm-up.
Durability issues of the exhaust brake normally include valve sticking,
thermal shock and thermal fatigue of the braking valve. The heat-resistant
shaft seal of the brake valve and the carbon deposits on the movable parts are
sometimes also problematic. The design and construction of the exhaust brake
are elaborated by Kuwano et al. (1983). Exhaust brake design constraints related
to engine gas pressures and temperatures are discussed in Section 6.3.4.
Although their retarding power at high engine speeds may be satisfactory,
both the exhaust brake and the compression brake are poor in retarding torque
at low engine speeds. The response of the exhaust brake is instantaneous to
full retarding power, while a compression brake usually requires some time
for the turbocharger to spool up to reach the maximum boost level. For that
reason, the exhaust brake is superior in fast changing and repetitive driving
cycles since it does not rely on the buildup of turbocharger boost pressure.
On the other hand, the compression brake is superior in continuous steady
driving conditions such as on long downgrades.
During exhaust braking, the in-cylinder cycle processes in the compression
stroke and the expansion stroke are not adiabatic. The resulting indicated
retarding power, although small, increases with the engine compression
ratio. Pumping loss is the dominant source of the retarding power of the
exhaust brake. The pumping loss power is proportional to engine delta P
and is also related to the square of the air ow rate at the intake valve and
the exhaust valve. The retarding power characteristic of the exhaust brake
is essentially a function of engine speed, engine displacement, and exhaust
manifold pressure. Unlike the compression brake, the turbocharger has little
inuence on the retarding power of the conventional exhaust brake because
its retarding power comes from the pumping loss strokes instead of the
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