Stop the Intervention
Collective in Sydney
(STICS) 249
Story of the Kelly Gang, The
(film) 272c
Strangeways Act 69
Street, Jessie Mary Grey 163
Streeton, Arthur 103
strikes 89–90, 98–99, 151,
196, 273c, 278c
Stuart, John McDouall 77, 82
Sturt, Charles 55, 266c,
267c, 268c
suffrage. See voting and vot-
ing rights
Sugar and Coffee Regulations
sugar industry 71, 96–97,
128–129, 146–147
Suharto 234
Sunda 14m
Survival Day 42
Swan River 39, 52, 53
swimming 110, 237, 273c
business and industry 57,
86, 88
communications 269c
culture 159–160
education 73
government and politics
82, 85
growth of 49, 51
health and medicine 188
infrastructure 130
Olympic games 233,
235–237, 282c
women’s rights 188
Sydney Gay Liberation 181
Sydney Harbour Bridge 130,
230, 273c, 274c
Sydney Morning Herald
(newspaper) 48
Sydney Opera House 159–
160, 277c, 278c, 279c
Sydney (ship) 107, 273c
Symons, Michael 10
Tait brothers 272c
Talve, Ann 181–182
Tampa (ship) incident 221–
223, 230, 244, 283c
Tangney, Dorothy 139, 275c
tariffs 67, 89, 91, 101, 126,
Tasman, Abel 33, 35, 265c
Tasmania 1, 2m, 39m,
179, 264c. See also Van
Diemen’s Land; specific
Aboriginal people 52–53,
96, 162, 187, 232,
265c, 279c, 281c
animals 128, 255, 274c
Black War 52–53, 79
crime and violence 232–
233, 282c
founding and naming
of 33, 68, 265c, 266c,
Franklin-Gordon dam
project 4, 177–180,
280c, 281c
gay and lesbian rights
183–184, 282c
government and politics
118, 173, 251, 283c
federation 92
self rule 68, 269c
laws and legislation 97
women’s rights 99, 100
Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre
Tasmanian devil 255
Tasmanian tiger (thylacine)
128, 274c
Tasmanian Wilderness
Society (TWS) 177, 178–
179, 279c
taxation 67, 73, 85, 91, 195,
282c, 283c
technology. See science and
Tedbury 46
Tegart, Judy 160
Tegg, Samuel Augustus 101
telegraph 82–84, 269c
Telegraph Construction and
Maintenance Company 83
television. See film and televi-
sion industry
Telford, Harry 123–124
temperature 5, 10, 21–22,
tennis 110, 160, 161, 277c
tent embassies 165–166,
186, 279c
territories 85. See also spe-
cific territory
terrorism 223–228, 233,
238–240, 283c
Thatcher, Margaret 180, 195
Theodore, Edward Granville
(Ted) 125
thermoluminescence (TL)
dating 16, 17
Thiess, Leslie 214
Thomas, Jack “Jihad”
Thornton, Warwick 187
Thorpe, Ian 237
Threlkeld, L. E. 79
thylacines (Tasmanian tiger)
128, 274c
Tiananmen Square 200
tigers, Tasmanian 128, 274c
TL (thermoluminescence)
dating 16, 17
toads 128–129, 274c
Todd, Charles 82–84
Tom, Henry 58–60
Tom, James 58–60
Tom, William 58–60
Tom Thumb (ship) 38
tools 20, 23, 42–43
Torres Strait 5, 15, 31, 264c,
Torres Strait Islanders 11, 86,
185, 205, 206, 270c. See
also land rights; reconcilia-
tion; Stolen Generations
Totem I (atomic bomb) 155
totems 28
tourism industry 86,
Towns, Robert 71
trade 23, 51, 240–241
agreements 199–200,
233, 240–241, 283c
agriculture and 122
China and 29, 30, 82,
199–200, 202, 263,
tariffs 67, 89, 91, 101,
126, 195
WA and 126
Trade Practices Act 167
Trades Hall Council 88