communications 83
Cyclone Tracy 279c
World War II and 133,
135–136, 143, 275c
dating techniques, historical
13–15, 16, 17, 264c, 278c
Daughters of Bilitis 181
David, Bruno 28
Davis, David 123
Davis, Ken 181–182
Deakin, Alfred 94, 101–102,
democracy 67, 68, 200
Democratic Labor Party 172
demonstrations and protests.
See also riots and revolts;
Aboriginal rights
land rights 165–166,
Stolen Generations
230, 236, 237
tent embassies 165–
166, 186, 279c
antinuclear 154, 276c
antiwar 153, 278c, 283c
environmental 178, 280c
gay and lesbian rights
gun control and violence
immigration and multi-
culturalism 213
student 200, 284c
war on terror and 226
depressions (economic) 86,
87–90, 114, 121–126, 268c
deserts 3, 15, 22, 25, 55,
268c. See also outback
Dholtji 29
Diamond, Jared 8
Diaz, Bartholmeu 31
diet. See food and diet
dingoes 7, 191, 264c
diplomacy. See foreign policy
Dirk Hartog Island 34, 39
discrimination 163–164,
167–168, 211, 249–250. See
also gay and lesbian rights;
racism; women’s rights
disease 26, 29, 42, 45, 64,
273c, 280c
Dodson, Mick 229
domestic violence 188,
230–231, 232
Dominion League of Western
Australia 126–127
“Dominion of Australia”
(Stephens) 101
Donaldson, Mary 283c
Donohue, Jack “Wild
Colonial Boy” 46
double-dissolution elections
Dowding, Peter 214–215
Draft Resisters’ Union (DRU)
Dreaming stories 18, 27–28
droughts 255, 257
bushfires and 60, 192
economic effects of 88,
268c, 277c, 284c
water supply and 129
Duffy Act 69
Dufresne, Marc-Joseph
Marion 40, 265c
Dumont d’Urville 41
Duperrey, Louis-Isidore 40
Duquesne-Guitton, Abraham
38–39, 265c
Durack, Sarah “Fanny” 110,
Dutch exploration 32–34,
35, 40, 264c
Duyfken (ship) 33
Easton, Brian 215
Easton, Penny 215
East Timor 202, 233, 234–
235, 236, 282c, 284c
Easybeats 159
echidna 6–7
economic rationalism 194–
197, 201, 202, 210
economy 10–11, 87–90. See
also business and industry;
depressions 86, 87–90,
114, 121–126, 268c
development of 43, 51,
global effects on 255–
256, 257, 285c
growth of 141, 142, 160,
restructuring of 194–197
education 11, 72–74, 90. See
also universities
Aboriginal people 96,
184–185, 187, 247
appointments 215, 245
Colombo Plan and 152
elimination of discrimina-
tion in 184, 249, 257
free tertiary 167, 170,
175, 197
immigration and 146,
147–148, 176
religious vs. secular 73–
74, 268c
Education Act 73
Edward VII (king of Great
Britain) 106
Egypt 134
1824 War (Bathurst War)
47–48, 266c, 267c
elections 117–119, 172. See
also referendums; voting
and voting rights
electrification 155–157, 158,
177–180, 276c, 277c, 280c,
Elizabeth II (queen of Great
Britain) 106, 173, 189,
250, 279c, 281c
Elsie 188
emancipists 52, 101
Emden (ship) 107, 273c
Emerson, Roy 160
Empire Land Settlement 132
Endeavor (ship) 35, 37
England. See Britain
entertainment 148–150,
159–161. See also film and
television industry; litera-
ture; sports
Entrecasteaux, Antoine-
Raymond-Joseph de Bruni
environment 127–129, 168,
238, 246–247, 284c. See
also animals; climate and
geography; climate change;
infrastructure; plants
Eora Resistance 45–46