subject index 1085
political reform 685–7
reform of economic institutions 687
and human cognition 1005
and inadequate knowledge of 1003–4, 1008
and non-incremental change 1004–5
and path dependency 674
and role of political institutions 683
and role of the state 718–20
anthropology 709
creation of institutions 709
equilibrium path 712–15
international relations 710
necessity of 708
state failure 715–16
state formation 716–18
stateless societies 710–12
and theoretical framework:
changes in political institutions 678–9
commitment problem and power 675, 677
conflicting interests 675, 677–8
de facto political power 676
de jure political power 675–6
persistence of behavior 677
political institutions 676–7
potential for change 677
power as determinant of economic
institutions 675
primacy of political power 677–8
resource distribution 675, 677, 678
role of economic institutions 674
and variations in 673–4
political behavior, see behavior
political business cycle, and monetary policy
partisan variant 535
rational expectations 534–5
political competition, and modeling of 1010–11
political competition, and theory of:
and citizen-candidate equilibrium 1022–3
and endogenous-party Wittman
equilibrium 1015–17, 1027
and impossibility theorem 1028–9
and inadequacy of Hotelling-Downs model 1027
and multidimensional generalizations 1017–23
and party faction model 1019–20, 1027–8
and party-unanimity Nash equilibrium
(PUNE) 1020–2, 1027–8
flypaper effect 1025–6
progressive taxation 1023–4
racism and redistribution 1026
taxation and non-economic issues 1024–5
and the political environment 1011–13
and unidimensional competition 1013–17
political economy:
and bounded rationality 977–8
and constitutional political economy 991–2
and diverse approaches of 3
and ethical norms 982–3
and extending exchange nexus 989–90
and future research areas 977
and the individual 985
and mathematization of 978
and meaning of 3
and methodology of 3–4
and micro-foundations of 982
and national policy 1000
and normative relevance 988–9
and object of collective action 986–7
and omissions from 1003
beliefs and learning 1005–6
knowledge of development 1003–4, 1008
nature of cognition 1005
non-incremental change 1004–5
political and economic development 1004
and operational science of politics 987–8
and Pareto optimality 988–9
and political motivation 987
and politics as a process 985
and politics as exchange 992–3
and problems for future research 997–1000
adherence to strict rationality 999
lack of common knowledge 999
multidimensional issues 998
need for interdisciplinarity 997–8
non-linearity of political/economic systems 999
oversimplification of game theory 998
and size of nations 20–2
and spread of 5, 20
and the state 981–2
and unanimity benchmark 990–1
and unitary or multiple decision-makers 983–4
and utilitarianism 983, 988
political parties:
and candidate divergence 37–8
and electoral systems:
bias toward large parties 109–10
ideological spread 111–12
impact on ideological homogeneity 113–14
impact on party factionalism 114–15
impact on party numbers 106–8, 732
impact on proportionality of
representation 108–9
non-convergence of parties 110–11
and federalism 361–3, 367
and ideological identification 44
and legislative choice 9–10
and legislative organization:
access to high office 147–8
agenda-setting powers 149–51
party-rule symbiosis 148–9
and normative analysis of public finance 454–5
and parliamentary systems 126–7
minority governments 128–9
party discipline 126–7
single-party majority governments 129–30
and partisan cycles 552–5
and presidential systems 131–2
divided government/cohabitation 134–5
electoral incentives for party cohesion 132
legislative incentives for party cohesion 132–3
and procedural cartel theory 228–30
and redistributive politics 92–8
and roll rates (US Congress) 153
endogenous status quo points 233–4
pivot theories 230–2, 234–8
and voter behavior 31
see also political competition, and theory of