Monitoring design and results
Monitoring of rock masses deformation and rock supports stress is
to ensure the safety of the construction and the operation, to provide
effective tools to optimize the excavation and rock support design and
excavation process. At nine cross sections intersecting the machine
hall, the transformer chamber and the surge chambers, and the three
faults, f13, f14, f18, extensometers rockbolt dynamometers and pre-
stressed cable anchor dynamometers were installed (Figure 11).
Up to 4 May 2009, the number of measurement points with displace-
ment less than 10mm is about 57.6% of the total points, the number
of points with displacement between 10~50mm is about 31.9%, while
the number of points with displacement greater than 50mm is about
10.5%. In about 72.8% of the total deformation measurement points
the displacement is less than 30mm. The maximum roof vault settlement
is recorded about 2.2mm, and the maximum displacement in the down-
stream side rib of the roof 7.2mm. At St.0+031, St.0+126 and St.0+196,
at EL.1659 and EL.1651, upstream side wall of the machine hall there
are four points with displacement larger than 20mm. At St. 0+126, in
the vicinity of fault f14 a displacement of 41.6mm was measured. In the
downstream wall of the machine hall, there are 15 points with displace-
ment larger than 20mm. There are seven points in the machine hall with
displacement at rock surface larger than 50mm, with a maximum of
96.8mm. Among ve points near the downstream springline there are
two points in the vicinity of faults f14 and f18, three points related to
joints of ssures, the deformation developed within 0~9m deep (Figures
12 and 14). Another two points with displacement more than 50mm
are at EL1650 and EL.1659, between Unit 3#~4#, in the downstream
wall where the rock is integrated, the large deformation develops up to
12m deep in the rock mass. This is probably caused by high in-situ stress
(Figures 13 and 15). Normally the deformation takes place within the
rst 5m in the rock masses.
In the transformer chamber the number of measurement points
with displacement in three categories of less than 10mm, between
10~50mm and larger than 50mm at rock surface is about 33%, 48%
and 19% of the total measurement points, respectively. The number
of points with displacement less than 30mm is about 70% of the total
measurement points. The chamber roof settlement is less than 5mm.
Most measurement points in the upstream wall show displacement
less than 12mm, large displacements up to 55.7mm were monitored
between Unit 4#~6# at EL.1668. In the downstream wall at the same
elevation, Unit 2#, 5# and 6#, displacement between 28.5~57.5mm
with a maximum value of 132.7mm at Unit 5# were monitored.
There are two and three points with displacement larger than 50mm
at rock surface in the upstream and downstream walls, respectively.
In the upstream wall, the two points were located in integrated rock
masses, large deformation develops down to 12m in the rock (Fig 16).
After excavation of Layer II in surge chambers 1# and 2# (EL.1688
to EL.1668), the doom settlement is about 0.1mm and 4.7mm,
respectively. The maximum wall displacement in surge chambers 1#
and 2# is about 11.5mm and 47.9mm both in the upstream wall at
EL.1668, respectively, where the fault f18 and lamprophyre veins
intersect the chambers.
Among 88 rockbolt dynamometers in the machine hall, with stress-
es in ranges less than 100MPa, 100MPa~200MPa, 200MPa~300MPa
and larger than 300MPa, the corresponding percentage of measure-
ment points to the total points are 54.5%, 19.3%, 8% and 18.2%,
respectively. There are six rockbolt dynamometers in the roof rib
and springlines of the machine hall, and 10 in the walls exceeding the
measurement limit (300MPa). The measurement points are within
2~6m deep in the rock.
There are 18 rockbolt dynamometers in the transformer cham-
ber, with stresses in ranges less than 100MPa, 100MPa~200MPa,
200MPa~300MPa and larger than 300MPa, the corresponding per-
centage of measurement points to the total points are 50%, 22.2%,
16.7% and 11.1%, respectively. The measurement points are within
2~4m deep in the rock.
In the surge chambers there are 18 rockbolt dynamometers,
with stresses in ranges less than 100MPa, 100MPa~200MPa,
200MPa~300MPa and larger than 300MPa, the corresponding per-
centage of points to the total measurement points are 44.4%, 16.7%,
22.2% and 16.7%, respectively.
There are 32 prestressed cable anchor dynamometers in the
machine hall, among which about 76% dynamometers the measured
load exceeding the locked value, 38.6% of the dynamometers exceed-
ing the designed capacity, with a maximum exceeding load at St.
0+42.7, EL.1662.5, downstream wall. Of the 24 cable dynamometers
in the transformer chamber, about 75% measured load exceeding
the locked value, and 33% of the dynamometers exceed the designed
capacity, at EL1664.5 (3) and EL.1661 (5) both in upstream and
downstream walls of the transformer chamber. From the load devel-
opment curve it is noted that the load tends to stable (Figure 17).
The large deformation of the surrounding rock masses in the caverns
may be related to the engineering geological conditions and the exca-
vation and rock support performance. The saturated uniaxial com-
pressive strength of intact marble is not high while the in-situ stress is
signicant. The ratio of strength to stress is between
2~3.8, even as low as 1.7 locally. According to a
Chinese Standard, in-situ stress in the powerhouse
region belongs to high and extreme high locally.
Observations made on the behavior of the rock
masses during the excavation are in line with the
descriptions of the rock under the same geological
conditions in the Standard, including rock ruptur-
ing, slabbing and fracturing. Therefore, large defor-
mation in integrated rock masses may be expected.
In the vicinity of the faults f13, f14 and f18 in
the machine hall and the transformer chamber, the
quality of rock masses in the fault and the affected
zones is poor. Even though there is no large rock
block identied from combination of faults and
joints and ssures. Geological investigations indi-
cated that some combination of joint sets might be
Far left: Figure 6 Borehole core discs from the left bank
indicating high in-situ stress;
Left, bottom: Figure 7 (a) Rupturing of rock in the down-
stream side rib of the machine hall at St.0+150
Left, top: Figure 8 Sliping along a joint indicated by shear
movement of the blasting borehole on the upstream wall of
the machine hall at St. 0+150m and EL1654–1650