/O ™ . This is a proprietary modification of the A/O ™ process that provides internal recycle
and an anoxic zone for denitrification ( Figure 23-5b ). The detention period in the anoxic zone is
approximately 1 h.
Bardenpho ™ (5-Stage). This modification of the four-stage process provides for both denitri-
fication and phosphorus removal (
Figure 23-5c ). The staging and recycle differ from the A
process. The five-stage process uses a longer SRT than the A
/O ™ and thus increases the carbon
oxidation capability.
University of Cape Town (UCT). The UCT process was developed at the University of Cape
Town in South Africa. It is similar to the A
/O ™ process with two exceptions. The return sludge
is recycled to the anoxic stage instead of the aeration stage, and the internal recycle is from the
anoxic stage to the anaerobic stage ( Figure 23-5d ). By returning the sludge to the anoxic stage,
the introduction of nitrate to the anaerobic stage is avoided. This improves the phos
phorus uptake.
The internal recycle feed provides increased organic utilization in the anaerobic stage.
Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR). The six operational steps of the SBR denitrification process
are retained, but the conditions are modified ( Figure 23-5e ). One alternative is to provide an anoxic
period after sufficient aerobic time has elapsed
for nitrification to occur. Another alternative is to use
cyclic aerobic and anoxic periods during the react period. This minimizes the nitrate concentration
before settling. Little nitrate is available to compete for rbCOD during the fill period so that rbCOD
uptake and storage by PAOs can occur instead of rbCOD consumption by nitrate reducing bacteria.
M e mbrane biological reactors (MBRs) consist of a biological reac tor with suspended biomass
and solids separation by mic rofiltration (MF) or ultrafiltration (UF) membranes. They may be
used with any of the processes described in the previous sections of this chapter. Membranes are
duced in Chapter 9. MF filtration theory, practice, and design are discussed in Chapter 12.
The following discussion focuses on the application to wastewater systems in contrast to the water
treatment applications discussed in Chapter 12.
Process Description
MBRs have two fundamental process arrangements: (1) integrated systems that have membranes
immersed in an activated sludge reactor and (2) separate systems that have a membrane module
placed outside the reactor ( Figu re 23-6 ). Immersed membranes
using hollow-fiber or flat sheet
membranes are the most popular for several reasons. They operate at lower pressures, readily
accommodate variations in the types of biosolids found in activated sludge bioreactors, concen-
trate biosolids without settling concerns, and, typically, have a lower life cycle cos
t for municipal
systems. Separate systems use pressure-driven, in-pipe cartridge membranes. These are more
prevalent in industrial settings (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003; WEF, 2006b).
Process arrangements for implementation of MBR for nitrification, nitrogen removal,
and complete biological nutrient removal (BNR) are illustrated in Figure 23-7 . In contrast to
onventional activated sludge or typical BNR processes, the volume of s ludge returned to the
aeration basin is on the order of 400 percent of the wastewater flow.