17-16. On a copy of the map of Sunfield’s distribution system (Problem 17-5), mark the
location where an elevated storage tank should be placed. Assume that the village
anticipates growth to the west that will double the population in 20 years.
17-17. On a copy of the map of Webster’s distribution system (Problem 17-7), mark the
location of an elevated s
torage tank. Assume that the village anticipates no growth in
the foreseeable future.
17-18. Lotta Doubts has estimated that an elevated water storage tank for the Village of
Doom should have a capacity of 4,540 m
. Doom has a population of 5,000. Based
on historic records, the average daily demand is 380 Lpcd and the maximum daily
demand is estimated to be two times the average daily demand. Neither the popula-
tion nor the demand is expected to change over the next 2
5 years. The fire demand is
estimated at 570 m
/h for a two-hour fire. The village is supplied by two well pumps.
Each can pump at 90 m
/h. As the senior engineer, you are to check Lotta’s work.
Show by calculation that she is either correct or incorrect. Assume that there is no
other storage tank, no emergency supply, and no nearby water body or fire depart-
ment tanker truck.
17-19. Determine the volume of an elevated water storage tank required for the Village of
Sunfield (Problem 17-5). Assume backup power and a
dditional wells will be con-
structed as the population doubles to 2,760 people. Fire protection is to be provided
and off-peak pumping will be provided for equalization. Select an appropriate tank
from Figure P-17-19. On a copy of the tank drawing, annotate the drawing for miss-
ing appurtenances and/or appurtenance specifications.
17-20. Determine the volume of an elevated water storage tank required
for the Village of
Webster (Problem 17-7). Assume there is backup power and a constant population.
Fire protection is to be provided and off-peak pumping will be provided for equaliza-
tion. Select an appropriate tank from Figure P-17-19. On a copy of the tank drawing,
annotate the drawing for missing appurtenances and/or appurtenance specifications.
17-21. Determine whether or not the fill time for the Village of Sunfield’s s
torage tank
(Problem 17-19) exceeds the mixing time using the following assumptions:
1 . One pump can meet the maximum day demand in 12 hours.
2. The diameter of the inlet is 300 mm.
17-22. Determine whether or not the fill time for the Village of Webster’s storage tank
(Problem 17-20) exceeds the mixing time using the following assum
1 . One pump can meet the maximum day demand in 12 hours.
2. The diameter of the inlet is 300 mm.
17-23. Design a water distribution system for the Bastogne Retirement Center (Figure P-17-23).
The specific design requirements of the client are as follows:
a . Fire protection to be provid
ed by the water distribution system.
b . Minimum water pressure at the top of the apartment building is to be 240 kPa.
c. Maximum system pressure is to be 550 kPa.