Tank Levels
The most significant decision about a tank in terms of distribution system design is its overflow eleva-
tion. This elevation and the minimum, average-day, bottom of the tank will determine the size and
boundary of the pressure zone that can be served from the tank, as well as the layout of the transmis-
sion mains and
the required pumping head (Walski, 2000b). GLUMRB (2003) recommends that the
maximum variation between high and low levels in the storage tank not exceed 10 m ( 100 kPa).
The pressure zone is located on a contour map by plotting the overflow elevation and the
highest and lowest elevations of customers that can be served within the design pressure bound-
(e.g., 240 kPa to 550 kPa). In general, pressure zone hydraulic grade lines should differ by
about 30 m from one pressure zone to the next (Walski, 2000b).
For small systems not providing fire protection, GLUMRB (2003) specifies that the minimum
storage capacity shall be equal to the average daily consumption. A historically more conserva-
tive rule-of-thumb is to provide capacity equal to two to three days average daily consumption.
This may
be excessive with the recognition that a long storage time results in increased formation
of disinfection byproducts, as well as decay of chlorine residual.
For those communities that elect to provide fire protection, the sizing of the tank requires a
more complex evaluation. For the purpose of this evaluation, the volum
e of the storage tank may
be conceptually divided into three layers: *
1 . Domestic water demand is fed to the distribution system from the top 3 to 5 m. As the
water level drops, the tank controls open, and the high service pumps start pumping to
fill the tank. This is called
equalization storage.
2. The next layer, amounting to 30 to 50 percent, is reserved for fire demand.
3. The bottom layer is termed emergency storage. It can still supply a minimum pressure of
140 kPa.
Equalization Storage. The design of this storage is to enable the source to operate at a prede-
termined rate. The fraction of daily water pro
duction that must be stored depends on the individ-
ual community and the operational mode selected. Table 17-8 shows how the ty pe of operation
affects the volume required.
Type of operation
Equalization volume required
as a fraction of maximum daily
Constant pumping 0.10 to 0.25
Follow demand 0.05 to 0.15
Off-peak pumping 0.25 to 0.50
Variable speed pumps 0
TABLE 17-8
Operation effects on equalization storage
Source: Walski, 2000b.
*Although stratification may occur, the water is not, or perhaps more correctly, should actually not be in layers.